Assembly TV Video Page

Ohjelmat/Viewing software:
cisco IP/TV viewer (Windows) or MIM (for Linux/Unix)
Verkkovaatimukset/Network requirements:
You need a high quality MBONE multicast connection for receiving the 1.5Mbit/s MPEG-1 stream without losses. It usually means a LAN connection to a suitable research network without firewalls for multicasts. If you don't have it, then you don't see it. Don't despair though since there might be some videoclips available afterwards. Suomessa siis l�hinn� suoraan FUNET-verkkoon kytketyt koneet voivat vastaanottaa l�hetyksen.
Session description:
asmtv.sdp defines all parameters you need to know for receiving the stream in a Do It Yourself setup.

FUNET-TV just relays the packets to MBONE as a technical experiment, the content, stream etc. is produced by the Assembly LiveCrew. It's also broadcast on a local HTV cable channel.