Internet-Draft NIPC July 2024
Brinckman, et al. Expires 25 January 2025 [Page]
Network Working Group
Intended Status:
Standards Track
B. Brinckman
Cisco Systems
R. Mohan
Cisco Systems
B. Sanford

An Application Layer Interface for Non-IP device control (NIPC)


This memo specifies RESTful application layer interface for gateways providing operations against non-IP devices. The described interface is extensible. This memo initially describes Bluetooth Low Energy and Zigbee as they are the most commonly deployed.

Status of This Memo

This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts. The list of current Internet-Drafts is at

Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

This Internet-Draft will expire on 25 January 2025.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

Use cases in building management, healthcare, workplaces, manufacturing, logistics and hospitality have introduced low-power devices into these environments. These devices typically do not support IP-based interfaces, hence there is a need for gateway functions to allow these devices to communicate with the applications that manage them.

    +-------------+              +---------+              +--------+
    | Application |<------------>| Gateway |<------------>| Non-IP |
    |    app      |   IP-based   |         |    Non-IP    | Device |
    +-------------+   Operation  +---------+   Operation  +--------+

Figure 1: Gateway for non-IP Devices

In abscence of a standard describing how applications communicate with such non-IP devices, vertically integrated infrastructure prolifilates and applications have bespoke integrations with that infrastructure for every use case. The Application interfaces are non-standard. This stunts the eco-system growth. At the same time, wireless access points have been deployed nearly everywhere, many of which have soft or separate radios that can transmit and receive different frame types, such as [BLE53] and [Zigbee22]. To avoid the need for parallel infrastructure and bespoke application integration, a standardized gateway function is necessary.

The gateway provides at a minimum the following functions:

Combined with a provisioning interface such as [I-D.shahzad-scim-device-model], this specification supports these aspects, specifically focusing on providing bi-directional communication with non-IP devices.

                            |                                   |
    +-----------+   Request |  +---------+                      |
    | onboarding|------------->|  SCIM   |                      |
    |    app    |<-------------| Server  |                      |
    +-----------+  Ctrl Endpt  +---------+                      |
                            |                                   |
    +-----------+           |  +------------+  +-------+  +--+  |
    |  Control  |>...REST...|.>|            |..|  AP   |..|D |  |
    |     &     |           |  |   Gateway  |  +-------+  +--+  |
    | Telemetry |<...MQTT...|.<|            |                   |
    |    Apps   |           |  +------------+                   |
    +-----------+           |                                   |
                            |       Network Deployment          |

Figure 2: Basic Architecture

Figure 2 shows us the application layer gateway (ALG), an access point (AP), and a device (D) in the enterprise environment. The role of the ALG is to provide a application gateway to non-IP devices connecting into one or more AP. Applications implementing this memo can leverage RESTful interfaces to communicate with these devices and subscribe to streaming data or broadcasts levering MQTT.

The flow of operations are as follows:

  1. The operator of the network deployment authorizes application(s) to perform operations on the Gateway. This happens out of band and may be accomplished by means of exchanging tokens or public keys. Authorization can be role-based:
    a. Authorize an onboarding application against a SCIM endpoint supported by the gateway.
    b. Provision and authorize applications that may control devices.
    c. Provision and authorize applications that may receive telemetry.

  2. The authorized application can now provision one or more devices on the gateway leveraging SCIM.

Steps 1 and 2 are not within the scope of this specification, but are provided for context.

  1. The authorized application can perform RESTful calls to the gateway in order to establish bi-directional communication to one or more devices. Optionally, set up a publish/subcribe topic to receive streaming data from a device (telemetry interface).

  2. Optionally, an application can receive streaming data on a pub/sub topic configured by the control interface (telemetry interface).

Step 3 and 4 are the subject of this memo.

This specification is organized into three sections:

1.1. Terminology

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

2. Non-IP Control Functions

This section will describe a standardized protocol-agnostic interface that allows the application to establish bi-directional communication with a non-IP device, such as a BLE or Zigbee device. The interface will be supported on a gateway as show in Figure 2.

2.1. Approach

In non-IP protocols such as BLE or Zigbee, a number of basic operations are defined that are similar across protocols. Examples of this are read and write data. Devices may choose to implement all of the operations or a subset. For example in BLE a device may choose to implement a binding, but could also allow connection without a binding. In this memo we have therefore defined a control interface that exposes these basic operations with a communications protocol-agnostic schema, with protocol specific extensions to transmit and receive attributes that are specific to the communications protocol supported by the device. This enables extensions to integrate new non-ip communications protocols, without the need to update the base schema.

     - device/group attributes
        |> BLE
        |     - BLE attributes
        |> Zigbee
              - Zigbee attributes

Figure 3: Extensible Schema

As shown in Figure 3, the control interface addresses device and group objects as IDs, hence the requirement to declare a device to the gateway before addressing a NIPC operation to the device. This is done by means of SCIM. A NIPC operation can either be performed against a device-id or a group-id. The gateway will leverage information from the SCIM object to execute a specific NIPC operation. For example, keying material found in the SCIM object may be required to connect to a device. Please refer to [I-D.shahzad-scim-device-model] for more information on SCIM device objects.

Apart from enabling bi-directional communication with non-ip devices, NIPC also allows an application to register pub/sub topics in order to support a programmable data streaming interface.

2.1.1. Common base schema

As described, most operations are executed against a device or a group. Control operations refer to either of these as "Object" with an ID as an identifier. The common schema for Object is defined as follows:

Table 1: Definition of an Object
Attribute Req Type Example
id T uuid 12345678-1234-5678-1234-56789abcdef4
type T enum device
technology F enum ble


  • id is the id returned in the response when registering a device against a SCIM server.

  • type is either "group" or "device".

  • technology is the radio technology extension(s) supported by the device, in this memo either "ble" or "zigbee".

2.1.2. Protocol extensions

An object can support one or more communications protocols. These attributes must be described in a protocol object, for example a "ble" or a "zigbee" object.

Table 2: Protocol extensions
Attribute Req Type Example
ble T object an object with BLE-specific attributes
zigbee T object an object with Zigbee-specific attributes


  • "ble" is an object containing attributes that are specific to the BLE protocol.

  • "zigbee" is an object containing attributes that are specific to the Zigbee protocol.

  • Other protocol extensions can be added

2.1.3. Response

As most operations have a common base schema, so do responses. As mandatory, a status is returned, optionally also device id and request id.

Success response:

Table 3: Success response
Attribute Req Type Example
status T enum SUCCESS
id F uuid 12345678-1234-5678-1234-56789abcdef4
requestID F uuid abcd0987-1234-5678-1234-56789abcdef4

Failure response:

Table 4: Failure response
Attribute Req Type Example
status T enum SUCCESS
errorCode T int 12
reason T string "Not Found"
requestID F uuid abcd0987-1234-5678-1234-56789abcdef4


  • status is the status of the request, either "SUCCESS" or "FAILURE". In case of failure an error code and reason are added

  • id is the id the operation was executed against, found in the request

  • requestID is a correlation ID that can be used for end-to-end tracing.

  • errorCode is a numerical value representing the error

  • reason is a human readable explanation of why the error occurred

2.1.4. Categories of operations supported

The common operations are categorized in common categories that describe high level sets of functionalities. Each of the NIPC operations belong to a category. The categories are:

  • /connectivity: Allows an application to establish connectivity with a device (if so required by the technology)

  • /data: Allows applications to exchange data with a device

  • /registrations: Allows an application to make registrations in the network, for example to register a pub/sub topic

  • /extensions: This is a category of operations that leverage basic connectivity, data or registration operations, but are optimized for application usage, allowing applications to perform functions with a reduced number of round-trips. An example of this is the the bulk operation, allowing to send multiple operations is one operation. This category also allows for further extensions based on the basic operations.

2.1.5. Connecting to the Non-IP Control Interface

NIPC makes use of RESTful HTTP[RFC9114]. The connection endpoint is provided out of band, most likely through the SCIM devices model extension, in which an authorized application can be registered for a SCIM object. Similarly authentication of the interface can be specified using that SCIM interface. It may be based on a device certificate or an authorization token.

2.2. Connectivity


Connectivity elements are elements that allow operations that establish or tear down associations & connectivity with devices. They also allow discovery of services that can be accessed during the connection.

2.2.1. Binding


The binding element allows an application to request a binding or association to a device.


  • Create binding: POST

  • Return active bindings: GET

  • Delete binding: DELETE Create a Binding

Method: POST /connectivity/binding

Description: Creates a binding with a device

Parameters: None

Request Body: an Object as defined in Table 1

Response: See Table 3 for success, and Table 4 for failed responses. Return active bindings

Method: GET /connectivity/binding

Description: Returns one or more bindings, based on ids provided in parameters (none = return all)

Parameters: One of following options: - None: return all bindings this application made - single id: return binding for this id - comma separated ids: return bindings for multiple ids

Response: An Array of bindings with contents as shown in Table 5 below or Table 4 for failed responses.

Table 5: Binding response
Attribute Req Type Example
status T enum SUCCESS
requestID F uuid abcd0987-1234-5678-1234-56789abcdef4
bindings T array Array of BLE or Zigbee ids Delete a binding

Method: DELETE /connectivity/binding

Description: Delete one or more bindings, based on ids provided in parameters

Parameters: One of following options: - None: delete all bindings this application made - single id: delete binding for this id - comma separated ids: delete bindings for multiple ids

Response: See Table 3 for success, and Table 4 for failed responses.

2.2.2. Binding by id


The binding by id element allows an application to request a binding or association to a device by id, which provides a simpler interface than standard binding element, but pertains to a single device only.


  • Create binding by id: POST

  • Return active binding by id: GET

  • Delete binding by id: DELETE Create a Binding by id

Method: POST /connectivity/binding/id/{id}

Description: Creates a binding by id

Parameters: id

Response: See Table 3 for success, and Table 4 for failed responses. Return active binding by id

Method: GET /connectivity/binding//id/{id}

Description: Returns a binding by id Parameters: id

Response: See Table 3 for success, and Table 4 for failed responses. Delete binding by id

Method: DELETE /connectivity/binding/id/{id}

Description: Delete a binding by id

Parameters: id

Response: See Table 3 for success, and Table 4 for failed responses.

2.2.3. Connection


The connection element allows an application to request to connect to a device.


  • Connect to a device: POST

  • Return active connections: GET

  • Disconnect a device: DELETE Connect to a device

Method: POST /connectivity/connection

Description: Connect to a device

Parameters: None

Request Body: - an Object, as defined in Table 1 - optionally a set of services to be discovered. These are supplied in protocol-specific extensions, as defined in Table 2. In the case of BLE, service discovery is performed when connecting to a device. Optionally, service discovery may be limited to services defined in the "ble" protocol extension. The services to be discovered can be added in an array, as well as optional caching parameters. Please see table below Table 6 for a definition of the content of the BLE protocol extension for limited service discovery

Table 6: Service Discovery
Attribute Req Type Example
services T array Array of serviceIDs to be discovered
cached F boolean no
cacheIdlePurge F int 3600
autoUpdate F boolean yes


  • "services" is an array of services defined by their serviceIDs.

  • "cached" refers to whether the services need to be cached for subsequent connects, in order not to perform service discovery on each request.

  • "cacheIdlepurge" defines how long the cache should be maintained before purging

  • some devices support notifications on changes in services, "autoUpdate" allows the network to update services based on notification (on by default)

Response: Success responses include standard success response attributes as defined in Table 3 and also include cwan array of supported services. This array of supported services in turn contains an array of charateristics, which in turn contains an array of descriptors, as shown Figure 4. For a description of the attributes found in this array, please refer to Table 7 below. Please refer to Table 4 for failed responses.

     - serviceID
        |> characteristics
            - charactericID
            - flags
               |> Descriptors
                   - descriptorID
Figure 4: Services

Attributes in the array of services:

Table 7: Service Discovery Response Attributes
Attribute Req Type Example
serviceID F uuid abcd0987-1234-5678-1234-56789abcdef4
characteristicID F uuid abcd0987-1234-5678-1234-56789abcdef4
flags F enum write
descriptorID F uuid abcd0987-1234-5678-1234-56789abcdef4 Return active connections

Method: GET /connectivity/connection

Description: Returns one or more active connections, based on ids provided in parameters (none = return all).

Parameters: One of following options: - None: return all active connections for this application - single id: return connection status for this id - comma separated ids: return connection status for multiple ids

Response: An Array of connections with attributes as defined in Table 8 or in case of a failed response, the attributes in Table 4.

Table 8: Connection response
Attribute Req Type Example
status T enum SUCCESS
requestID F uuid abcd0987-1234-5678-1234-56789abcdef4
connections T array Array of connections Disconnect a device

Method: DELETE /connectivity/connection

Description: Disconnect one or more devices, based on ids provided in parameters

Parameters: One of following options: - None: Disconnect all devices for connections this application made - single id: disconnect device with id - comma separated ids: disconnect multiple devices with ids

Response: See Table 3 for success, and Table 4 for failed responses.

2.2.4. Connections by id


The connection by id element allows an application to request a connection to a device by id, which provides a simpler interface than standard connection element, but pertains to a single device only.


  • Connect device by id: POST

  • Return connection state by id: GET

  • Disconnect device by id: DELETE Connect device by id

Method: POST /connectivity/connection/id/{id}

Description: Creates a connection by id

Parameters: id

Response: See Table 3 for success, and Table 4 for failed responses. Return connection state by id

Method: GET /connectivity/connection/id/{id}

Description: Returns connection state by id Parameters: id

Response: See Table 3 for success, and Table 4 for failed responses. Delete connection by id

Method: DELETE /connectivity/connection/id/{id}

Description: Delete a binding by id

Parameters: id

Response: See Table 3 for success, and Table 4 for failed responses.

2.2.5. Discover services supported by a device


The services element allows an application to request a service discovery for a device, possibly to update a cache


  • Discover services: GET Discover services supported by a device

Method: GET /connectivity/service

Description: Discover services supported by a device, this updates cache in case services caching is enabled for a connection.

Parameters: an Object as defined in Table 1 and optionally a set of services to be discovered in case not all services should be discovered. These services need to be provided in protocol-specific extensions as defined in Table 2. The services to be discovered can be added in this extension in an array, as well as optional caching parameters, as described in Table 6.

Response: A successful response will contain success attributes from Table 3 with an array of supported services characteristics and descriptors, as shown in Figure 4, with attributes defined in Table 7. Failure Response is the standard response as defined in Table 4

2.2.6. Discover services supported by a device by id


The services element allows an application to request a service discovery for a device by id, possibly to update a cache


  • Discover services by id: GET Discover services supported by a device by id

Method: GET /connectivity/service/id/{id}

Description: Discover services supported by a device, this updates cache in case services caching is enabled for a connection. This method does not support partial service discovery, all services are discovered.

Parameters: an Object id

Response: A successful response will contain success attributes from Table 3 with an array of supported services, characteristics and descriptors, as shown in Figure 4, with attributes defined in Table 7. Failure Response is the standard response as defined in Table 4.

2.3. Data


Data elements are elements that allow operations to exchange data with a device. This could be reading or writing attributes or enabling streaming data.

2.3.1. Attribute


The attribute element allows an application get an attribute value, write, update or delete a value.


  • Write value: POST

  • Update value: PUT

  • Read value: GET

  • Delete value: DELETE Writing a value

Method: POST /data/attribute

Description: Writes a value to an attribute

Parameters: None

Request Body: an Object as defined in Table 1, a value to be written, as defined in Table 9 below and an attribute definition in a protocol extension from Table 2. The protocol extension for BLE is defined in Table 10 below. The protocol extension for Zigbee is defined in Table 11 below.

Table 9: Value
Attribute Req Type Example
value T array 100
forcedResponse F boolean no


  • value is the value to be written

  • forcedresponse requests a specific response behavior of the device

Contents of the BLE protocol extension defining an attribute:

Table 10: BLE Attribute
Attribute Req Type Example
serviceID T uuid abcd0987-1234-5678-1234-56789abcdef4
characteristicID T uuid abcd0987-1234-5678-1234-56789abcdef4
long F boolean no


  • serviceID defines the Service

  • characteristic ID defines the service characteristic

  • long is an optional attribute that allows to force a write type

Contents of the Zigbee protocol extension defining an attribute:

Table 11: Zigbee Attribute
  endpointID T int 16
  clusterID T int 6
  attributeID T int 12
  type T int 1


  • endpointID defines the Zigbee endpoint that contains a cluster of attributes

  • clusterID defines the Zigbee cluster that contains the attribute

  • attributeID defines the Zigbee attribute

  • type defines the Zigbee attribute type

Response: A successful response will contain success attributes from Table 3 with optionally the value written as shown in Table 9. Failure Response is the standard response as defined in Table 4 Updating a value

Method: PUT /data/attribute

Description: Updates a value to an attribute

Parameters: None

Request Body: an Object as defined in Table 1, a value to be written, as defined in Table 9 and an attribute definition in a protocol extension from Table 2. The protocol extension for BLE is defined in Table 10. The protocol extension for Zigbee is defined in Table 11.

Response: A successful response will contain success attributes from Table 3 with optionally the value written as shown in Table 9. Failure Response is the standard response as defined in Table 4 Read an attribute

Method: GET /data/attribute

Description: Reads an attribute from a device

Parameters: an Object as defined in Table 1 and an attribute definition in a protocol extension from Table 2. The protocol extension for BLE is defined in Table 10. The protocol extension for Zigbee is defined in Table 11.

Response: A successful response will contain success attributes from Table 3 with the value read as shown in Table 9. Failure Response is the standard response as defined in Table 4 clear the value from an attribute

Method: DELETE /data/attribute

Description: Clear the value from an attribute of a device

Parameters: an Object as defined in Table 1 and an attribute definition in a protocol extension from Table 2. The protocol extension for BLE is defined in Table 10. The protocol extension for Zigbee is defined in Table 11.

Response: A successful response will contain success attributes from Table 3 with the optionally the value as null as shown in Table 9. Failure Response is the standard response as defined in Table 4

2.3.2. Subscription


The subscription element allows an application to ask a device to start streaming data attached to a certain attribute.


  • Start a subscription data stream: POST

  • Update a subscription data stream value: PUT

  • Get status of a subscription data stream: GET

  • Stop a subscription data stream: DELETE Starting a subscription data stream

Method: POST /data/subscription

Description: Start a subcription data stream pertaining to a specific attribute

Parameters: None

Request Body: an Object as defined in Table 1 and an attribute definition in a protocol extension from Table 2. The protocol extension for BLE is defined in Table 10. The protocol extension for Zigbee is defined in Table 11. Optionally a pub/sub topic can be included in the request as defined in Table 12 below. Including a topic allows the app to skip the topic registration process.

Topic attributes:

Table 12: Topic
Attribute Req Type Example
topic F string "enterprise/hospital/pulse"
dataFormat F enum "default"
replay F boolean no
forced_ack F boolean no


  • topic is the pub/sub topic the subscription can be consumed on

  • dataFormat is the data format in which the pub/sub topic is delivered

  • replay is a boolean which defines whether data should be replayed in case of application disconnection

  • forced ack ignores the attribute definition and forces packet ack behavior to the device

Response: See Table 3 for success, and Table 4 for failed responses. Updating a subscription data stream

Method: PUT /data/subscription

Description: Update parameters of a subscription data stream pertaining to a specific attribute

Parameters: None

Request Body: an Object as defined in Table 1 and an attribute definition in a protocol extension from Table 2. The protocol extension for BLE is defined in Table 10. The protocol extension for Zigbee is defined in Table 11. Optionally a pub/sub topic can be included in the request as defined in Table 12.

Response: See Table 3 for success, and Table 4 for failed responses. Get status of a subscription data stream

Method: GET /data/subscription

Description: Gets the status of a subscription data stream, success if active, failure if not active

Parameters: an Object as defined in Table 1 and an attribute definition in a protocol extension from Table 2. The protocol extension for BLE is defined in Table 10. The protocol extension for Zigbee is defined in Table 11. Optionally a pub/sub topic can be included in the request as defined in Table 12.

Response: See Table 3 for success, and Table 4 for failed responses. stop a subscription data stream

Method: DELETE /data/subscription

Description: stops a subscription data stream

Parameters: an Object as defined in Table 1 and an attribute definition in a protocol extension from Table 2. The protocol extension for BLE is defined in Table 10. The protocol extension for Zigbee is defined in Table 11. Optionally a pub/sub topic can be included in the request as defined in Table 12.

Response: See Table 3 for success, and Table 4 for failed responses.

2.3.3. Subscriptions by id


The subscription by id element allows an application to operate on all subscriptions of a specific id.


  • Return active subscriptions by id: GET

  • Terminate all subscriptions of an id: DELETE Return active subscriptions by id

Method: GET /data/subscription/id/{id}

Description: Returns connection state by id

Parameters: id

Response: Success response as defines in Table 3 and an object called "subscriptions" which contains an Array of active subscriptions. Each of these include an object as defined in Table 1 and a subscription attribute definition in a protocolextension from Table 2. The protocol extension for BLE is defined in Table 10. The protocol extension for Zigbee is defined in Table 11. Failure Response is the standard response as defined in Table 4 Stop active subscriptions by id

Method: DELETE /data/subscription/id/{id}

Description: Delete active subscriptions for an id

Parameters: id

Response: Success response as defines in Table 3 and an object called "subscriptions" which contains an Array of active subscriptions. Each of these include an object as defined in Table 1 and a subscription attribute definition in a protocolextension from Table 2. The protocol extension for BLE is defined in Table 10. The protocol extension for Zigbee is defined in Table 11. Failure Response is the standard response as defined in Table 4

2.3.4. Subscriptions by topic


The subscription by topic element allows an application to operate on all subscriptions of a specific topic.

Operations: - Return active subscriptions by topic: GET - Terminate all subscriptions active on a topic: DELETE Return active subscriptions by topic

Method: GET /data/subscription/topic/{topic}

Description: Returns connection state by topic

Parameters: topic

Response: Success response as defines in Table 3 and an object called "subscriptions" which contains an Array of active subscriptions. Each of these include an object as defined in Table 1 and a subscription attribute definition in a protocolextension from Table 2. The protocol extension for BLE is defined in Table 10. The protocol extension for Zigbee is defined in Table 11. Failure Response is the standard response as defined in Table 4 Stop active subscriptions by topic

Method: DELETE /data/subscription/topic/{topic}

Description: Delete all active subscriptions for a topic

Parameters: topic

Response: Success response as defines in Table 3 and an object called "subscriptions" which contains an Array of active subscriptions. Each of these include an object as defined in Table 1 and a subscription attribute definition in a protocolextension from Table 2. The protocol extension for BLE is defined in Table 10. The protocol extension for Zigbee is defined in Table 11. Failure Response is the standard response as defined in Table 4

2.3.5. Broadcast


The broadcast element allows an application to broadcast a message to a specific device. Note that broadcasts can be heard by other devices on the same L2 network.


  • Broadcast message: POST Broadcasting a message

Method: POST /data/broadcast

Description: Broadcasts a message to a device

Parameters: None

Request Body: an Object as defined in Table 1 along with broadcast parameters, defined below in Table 13. Defining broadcast attributes is mandatory and is done by adding an array of broadcast attributes in a protocol extension from Table 2. The protocol extension for BLE broadcasts is defined in Table 14 below.

Broadcast parameters:

Table 13: Broadcast parameters
Attribute Req Type Example
cycle T enum single
broadcastTime F int 30
broadcastInterval F int 5


  • cycle determines the repetitiveness of the broadcast, and is either single or repeat

  • broadcastTime is the maximum time in seconds the broadcast should run

  • broadcastInterval is the time between broadcasts in seconds

Protocol-specific extensions are supplied to identify the attributes to be broadcasted.

Table 14: BLE Broadcast Attribute
Attribute Req Type Example
adType T byte ff
adData T byte 4c00


  • adType is the BLE advertisement attribute type

  • adData is the BLE advertisement attribute data

Response: See Table 3 for success, and Table 4 for failed responses.

2.4. Registrations


Registration elements are elements that do not directly execute operations on devices but register attributes on the gateway that support operations, such attributes are topics for data streaming and files to write files.

2.4.1. Topic registration


The topic registration element allows an application to register a pub/ sub topic for the data interface. By activating a subscription on one or more device(s), the application can then publish streaming data to that topic.


  • Register a topic: POST

  • Update a topic: PUT

  • Get configuration of one or more topics: GET

  • Delete a topic: DELETE Registering a topic

Method: POST /registration/topic

Description: Register a pub/sub topic

Parameters: None

Request Body: A topic, including data apps that can subscribe to the topic as defined in Table 12 and protocol-specific extensions as per Table 2 that describe the attributes that will be reported on the topic. In the case of BLE, these are either BLE subscription attributes as in Table 10, device connection status, or Broadcast (advertisement) data as in Table 14. For Zigbee, these are Zigbee attributes as described in Table 11.

Response: See Table 3 with a topic name as in Table 15 below for success, and Table 4 for failed responses.

Topic name that was registered:

Table 15: Topic Name
Attribute Req Type Example
topic T string "enterprise/hospital/pulse" Updating a topic

Method: PUT /registration/topic

Description: Update a pub/sub topic

Parameters: None

Request Body: A topic, including data apps that can subscribe to the topic as defined in Table 12 and protocol-specific extensions as per Table 2 that describe the attributes that will be reported on the topic. In the case of BLE, these are either BLE subscription attributes as in Table 10, device connection status, or Broadcast (advertisement) data as in Table 14. For Zigbee, these are Zigbee attributes as described in Table 11.

Response: See Table 3 with a topic name as in Table 15 below for success, and Table 4 for failed responses. Get configuration of one or more topics

Method: GET /registration/topic

Description: Gets the configuration of one or more topics

Parameters: A topic name. Multiple topics can be added by comma-separated attributes.

Response: A success response as in Table 3 with a "topics" object containing an array of returned topics names with attribute defined in Table 15. For failed responses see Table 4. Delete one or more topics

Method: DELETE /registration/topic

Description: Delete one or more topics

Parameters: A topic name. Multiple topics can be added by comma-separated attributes.

Response: A success response as in Table 3 with a "topics" object containing an array of returned topics names with attribute defined in Table 15. For failed responses see Table 4.

2.4.2. Topic registrations by id


The topic registration by id element allows an application to get or delete topic registrations for a specific id.


  • Return active topics by id: GET

  • Delete all topics for an id: DELETE Return active topics by id

Method: GET /registration/topic/id/{id}

Description: Returns active topics by id

Parameters: id

Response: A success response as in Table 3 with a "topics" object containing an array of returned topics names with attribute defined in Table 15. For failed responses see Table 4. Delete active topics by id

Method: DELETE /registration/topic/id/{id}

Description: Deletes active topics by id, will delete all topics that are associated with a specific object id.

Parameters: id

Response: A success response as in Table 3 with a "topics" object containing an array of returned topics names with attribute defined in Table 15. For failed responses see Table 4.

2.4.3. Topic registrations by data app


The topic registration by data-app element allows an application to get or delete topic registrations for which a specific data-application is registered.


  • Return active topics by data-app: GET

  • Delete all topics for an data-app: DELETE Return active topics by data-app

Method: GET /registration/topic/data-app/{data-app}

Description: Returns active topics by data-app

Parameters: data-app

Response: A success response as in Table 3 with a "topics" object containing an array of returned topics names with attribute defined in Table 15. For failed responses see Table 4. Delete active topics by data-app

Method: DELETE /registration/topic/data-app/{data-app}

Description: Deletes active topics by data-app, will delete all topics the specified data app is registered for.

Parameters: data-app

Response: A success response as in Table 3 with a "topics" object containing an array of returned topics names with attribute defined in Table 15. For failed responses see Table 4.

2.4.4. Topic registrations by topic name


The topic registration by topic element allows an application to get or delete a topic registration by topic name.


  • Return active topics by topic name: GET

  • Delete all topics for a topic name: DELETE Return active topics by topic name

Method: GET /registration/topic/{topic}

Description: Returns active topics by topic name

Parameters: topic

Response: A success response as in Table 3 with a topic name as defined in Table 15. For failed responses see Table 4. Delete active topics by topic name

Method: DELETE /registration/topic/{topic}

Description: Deletes active topics by topic name

Parameters: topic

Response: A success response as in Table 3 with a topic name as defined in Table 15. For failed responses see Table 4.

2.4.5. File registration


The file registration element allows an application to register a file. a file can be used in operations to devices (such as an attribute)


  • Register a file: POST

  • Update a file: PUT

  • Check if a file exists: GET

  • Delete a file: DELETE Registering a file

Method: POST /registration/file

Description: Register a file

Parameters: None

Request Body: a file or URL point to a file, as described in Table 16 below.

File definition:

Table 16: File
Attribute Req Type Example
filename T string "firmware.dat"
file F binary file
bindings F string ""

Response: See Table 3 for success, and Table 4 for failed responses. Updating a file

Method: PUT /registration/file

Description: Update a file

Parameters: None

Request Body: a file or URL point to a file, as described in Table 16 below.

Response: See Table 3 for success, and Table 4 for failed responses. check presence of a registered file

Method: GET /registration/file

Description: Check the presence of a specific file or get all files if no file name os present in parameters

Parameters: filename

Response: Success as in Table 3 including a "filesnames" object with an array of file names as shown in Table 17 or a Failure Response as described in Table 4.

A filenames object with an Array of file names:

Table 17: File name
Attribute Req Type Example
filename T string "firmware.dat" delete a registered file

Method: DELETE /registration/file

Description: Delete a registered file

Parameters: filename

Response: See Table 3 for success, and Table 4 for failed responses.

2.4.6. file registrations by file name


The file registration by file name element allows an application to get or delete file registrations by file name.


  • Return file registrations by file name: GET

  • Delete file registrations by file name: DELETE Return file registrations by file name

Method: GET /registration/file/{filename}

Description: Checks the presence of a file and returns its name

Parameters: filename

Response: Success as in Table 3 including a file name as shown in Table 17 or a Failure Response as described in Table 4. Delete file registrations by file name

Method: DELETE /registration/file/{filename}

Description: Delete file registrations by file name

Parameters: filename

Response: See Table 3 for success, and Table 4 for failed responses.

3. NIPC Extensibility

NIPC is extensible in two ways:

3.1. Protocol extensions

As described in Figure 3 the NIPC interface supports protocol specific extensions that allow bi-directional communication of attributes that are specific to the protocol supported by the device. This allows for extensions to the schema to integrate new non-ip communications protocols, without the need to update the base schema.

     - device/group attributes
        |> BLE
        |     - BLE attributes
        |> Zigbee
        |     - Zigbee attributes
        |> Protocol extension
        |     - Protocol extension attributes

Figure 5: Extended Schema

As shown in Figure 5, a protocol extension can be added by adding a new technology specific extension to the schema.

This is performed by adding the new protocol to the technology enum in the base objext definition Table 1

Furthermore, the protocol objects need to be extended with the new protocol as well. Protocol objects will be extended as follows:

Table 18: Adding Protocol extensions
Attribute Req Type Example
ble T object an object with BLE-specific attributes
zigbee T object an object with Zigbee-specific attributes
newProtocol T object an object with newProtocol-specific attr

In the new protocol object, protocol specific attributes can be added.

3.2. Interface extensions


The interface extension elements are freely extendible interfaces. These elements leverage the basic NIPC defined elements and combine them in compound statements in order to streamline application operation against devices, make operations more expediant and convenient in one API call. In principle they do not add any basic functionality. In the OpenAPI model Figure 6 below, we have defined a few example extensions, and we will describe them here at a high level to provide some context on other possible extensions.

3.2.1. Write file


This extension make use of multiple write operations (attribute post) to write an entire file to an attribute. The interface allows the application to define the chunk size.


  • Write file: POST

3.2.2. Read conditional file


This extension performs a read operation sequentially for a defined amount of time until a specified value is read.


  • Read Conditional: POST

3.2.3. Bulk


This extension allows you to create a compound operation made out of multiple connection and data operations that are to be executed sequentially until they all succeed or there is a failure. Supported operations are:

  • /extension/connection/create

  • /extension/connection/delete

  • /extension/attribute/read

  • /extension/attribute/write

  • /extension/attribute/write/file

  • /extension/attribute/write/blob

  • /extension/attribute/read/conditional


  • Bulk: POST

4. Publish/Subscribe Interface

The publish/subscribe interface, or data streaming interface, is an MQTT publishing interface. Pub/sub topics can be created and managed by means of the /register/topic NIPC element.

In this memo we propose the data format to be protocol buffers, as fully described in the Figure 7 protobuf definition.

5. Examples

This section contains a few examples on how applications can leverage NIPC operations to communicate with BLE and Zigbee devices.

5.1. BLE Advertisement

In this example, we will onboard a device, and setup an advertisement subscription topic for that device.

The sequence of operations for this are:

  • Onboard a device using the SCIM Interface (out of scope of this memo)

  • Register a topic with the device id to subscribe to advertisements POST /register/topic

  • Subscribe to the topic from the data receiver app MQTT subscribe topic

5.2. BLE Attribute Read/Write

In this example, we will connect to a BLE device (BLE device does not require binding) and read and write from an attribute

The sequence of operations for this are:

  • Onboard a device using the SCIM Interface (out of scope of this memo)

  • Connect to the BLE device POST /connectivity/connection

  • Read an attribute from the BLE device GET /data/attribute

  • Write to an attribute on the BLE device POST /data/attribute

  • Disconnect from the BLE device DELETE /connectivity/connection

5.3. Zigbee Attribute Read/Write

In this example, we will bind a zigbee device to a Zigbee mesh and read and write from an attribute

The sequence of operations for this are:

  • Onboard a device using the SCIM Interface (out of scope of this memo)

  • Bind the Zigbee device POST /connectivity/binding

  • Read an attribute from the Zigbee device GET /data/attribute

  • Write to an attribute on the Zigbee device POST /data/attribute

  • Disconnect from the Zigbee device DELETE /connectivity/connection

6. Security Considerations


7. IANA Considerations


8. References

8.1. Normative References

Shahzad, M., Hassan, H., and E. Lear, "Device Schema Extensions to the SCIM model", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-shahzad-scim-device-model-05, , <>.
Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, , <>.
Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC 2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174, , <>.
Bishop, M., Ed., "HTTP/3", RFC 9114, DOI 10.17487/RFC9114, , <>.

8.2. Informative References

Bluetooth SIG, "Bluetooth Core Specification, Version 5.3", .
Connectivity Standards Alliance, "zigbee Specification, Version 22 1.0", .

Appendix A. OpenAPI definition

The following non-normative model is provide for convenience of the implementor.

<CODE BEGINS> file "openapi.yml"

{::include nipc-openapi/NIPC_REST.yaml}

Figure 6

Appendix B. Protobuf definition

The following non-normative protocol buffer definition is provide for convenience of the implementor.

<CODE BEGINS> file "data_app.proto"

{::include proto/data_app.proto}

Figure 7

Authors' Addresses

Bart Brinckman
Cisco Systems
Rohit Mohan
Cisco Systems
170 West Tasman Drive
San Jose, 95134
United States of America
Braeden Sanford
United States of America