Greek and Hebrew Lexicons for the Online Bible: =========================================== Greek lexicon based on Thayer's and Smith's Bible Dictionary plus others; this is keyed to the large Kittel and the "Theological Dictionary of the New Testament." The Hebrew lexicon is Brown, Driver, Briggs, Gesenius Lexicon; this is keyed to the "Theological Word Book of the Old Testament." You may make copies of this add-on module for your friends. Space Requirements: =================== This archive is split into 3 segments. In order to install it on your hard disk, you need at least 3,458K of free space. Installation Instructions: ======================= If you have an older copy of the Greek or Hebrew lexicons in your "Online Bible Ä" folder, be sure to remove them before installing these. 1) Insert the "Lexicons Disk 1/3" containing the first segment of the archive into your floppy disk drive and run it by double clicking on the "Lexicons.sea" file. 2) You will be prompted to install the archive contents in the "Online Bible Ä" folder. System 6 users may need to click the Drive button one or more times to switch to the hard drive that contains the "Online Bible Ä" folder and related files. Under system 7 the hard drive is selected by clicking on the Desktop button which in turn allows you to select and open the hard drive to be used. 3) Having positioned to the hard drive to be used, locate and open the "Online Bible Ä" folder by double-clicking on it. You should now be looking at the contents of the "Online Bible Ä" folder which will contain the "Online Bible" application along with other files and folders. You may now click on the Save button. Doing this will automatically create the Greek and Hebrew folders to hold the lexicons and will extract the appropriate files into them. 4) Since the archive is segmented, each floppy disk will be ejected after it's installed and you will be prompted for the disk containing the next segment. 5) Repeat step 4 until the final segment is saved. When the process is completed, you should find a Greek and Hebrew folder inside the "Online Bible Ä" folder containing the lexicons you just installed. Future Plans: ============ Addition of the actual Greek and Hebrew words for each lexicon entry displayed in their respective fonts.