Thank you for using MicroPress Equation Magic Lite.

EqM Lite has two very different parents.

From TeX it inherited quality equation formatting;
from OLE -- the ability to work together with such programs
as MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, WordPad, and anything else that supports

EqM Lite requires WinNT 4.0, Win95, or Win98.

To Install EQMLITE, unpack the file and run the INSTALL.
The installation will take about a minute; be aware that you would
have to reboot after the install.

To try EqMagic, click on its icon (the install will create a group).

To use EqMagic, go to the "Insert Object" in the menu of your OLE
application (it may be called something else) and chose "EqMagic 2.0"
from the list of objects.


If you like EqM Lite, be aware of its two bigger cousins:

        EqM Pro
                -- OLE client with additional features
                   Click on [About EqM Pro] in the HELP menu of EqM Lite
                        for details.

        VTeX Visual Equation Editor
                -- Part of VTeX Pro
                -- Equation Editor designed for visually editing TeX source
                        rather than OLE objects within non-TeX apps.


For additional details on this and other MicroPress products, please
go to
or write to

                EqM Lite is a free and unsupported product.
                EqM Pro is a commercial and supported product.

                EqM is the result of 3-year effort by

                M I C R O P R E S S

                B.S.    --   EqM 1.0
                S.P.    --   EqM 2.0
                K.L.    --   Interface library
                A.K.    --   Testing, Fonts
                A.L.    --   General supervision.
                M.V.    --   TeX import/export filters, general design.

Y2K issues: Equation Magic is blissfully unaware of time.

Equation Magic is a trademark of MicroPress Inc.
All rights reserved.
Other products mentioned are trademarks of their owners.
Copyright (C) 1998-2000 by MicroPress, Inc.