If you have successfully compiled the Empire source code on your machine and are interested in hosting an Empire game, then you will want to know: === How to Run an Empire Game === --- Step I --- Announce to r.g.e. the following: Code version: Options: World size: Land: ETU per update: Tech log base: Update times: Playing restrictions: Important dates: Registration closes: Game opens: Unbroken countries will be replaced: Updates enabled: Email address of Deity: Info the Deity wants to know about the player: Comments: To get the first six items, just post the output of the "version" command. Options that people will want to know about are: SLOW_WAR, NO_NUKES, HIDDEN Things people like to know about land are: - size of start islands - number of countries per start island - if resources are unusually high or low - percent of land that is mountain - minimum number of sea sectors between start islands (i.e. bridgeable?) Restrictions may include hours the game is closed, or total number of connection time permitted each day. Common info that Deities ask for on an application is: Real Name: Country name: Password: Email Address: Userid and Machine usually played from: Experience level (see http://www.empire.net/~children/player/docs/ranking.txt): Sometimes Deities do not choose all the specifications for the game ahead of time, but ask applicants to say what their preferences are. For example, it is nice when the Deity has the flexibility to ask the players what their preferred update time is. The following are recommended: - The total number of land sectors divided by the number of players should not exceed 100 (people don't like to play empire on Jupiter). - If players will be sharing start islands, then 1 deity mil should be placed in each wilderness sector. (This it to ensure that people who are able to connect at open time don't have an unfair advantage). - The game should open at least one week after the game announcement. - The time between game opening and the time unbroken countries are replaced should be at least three days. - Unbroken countries should be sent email urging them to break at least one day before they are replaced. - IMPORTANT: For a well balanced game, unbroken countries should be replaced before the first update; i.e. Updates should only be enabled once all of the countries in the game have broken. - set up a visitor account so that people not in the game can connect and have a look around. --- Step II --- Once you've got enough players and a few replacements, announce to r.g.e.: The names of the countries in the game. The names of the replacement countries. Host name and port. Date and time game will open: Date and time unbroken countries will be replaced: Date and time updates will be enabled: --- Step III --- Open the game and let the countries break sanctuary, wait a few days and then replace unbroken countries. Once all of the countries have broken, enable the Updates! Ken Stevens a.k.a. Buster, ruler of children.