mac: MacMoria5.5d.sea.hqx -- UMoria 5.5, with druids added. A binhexed, self-extracting Compact Pro archive. Documentation included. MacMoria5.5d.src.sea.hqx -- The sources used to build MacMoria5.5d application. The other files (game documentation) can be found in MacMoria5.5d.sea.hqx PXMoria1.0d.sea.hqx -- Purple X's port of UMoria 5.5, with druids added. Documentation included. A binhexed, self extracting Compact Pro archive. PXMoria1.0d.src.sea.hqx -- The sources used to build PXMoria 1.0. Game documentation is found in PXMoria1.0d.sea.hqx Note1: If you do not play a druid character, these versions are virtually identical to plain UMoria 5.5. Except where the character is a druid, savefiles are compatible with plain UMoria 5.5. Druid savefiles should be compatible with other druid versions, but this has not been tested. If you want to try this, keep a backup. This will not be regarded as cheating. :) Note2: On Unpacking: Transfer these files to your macintosh using Ascii or Binary mode, whatever is most convenient. These are not binary files. Decode the binhex files using any program which understands BinHex decoding. Among others you can use Compact Pro, Stuffit, Stuffit Lite, Stuffit Expander and BinHex 4.0. Launch the resulting application, which then unpacks itself. You can also use Compact Pro, or some other programs, to selectively unpack parts of the archive. This is useful if you are short on disk-space. Have Fun