patch-2.4.20 linux-2.4.20/drivers/video/sis/sis_main.h

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diff -urN linux-2.4.19/drivers/video/sis/sis_main.h linux-2.4.20/drivers/video/sis/sis_main.h
@@ -1,16 +1,22 @@
 #ifndef _SISFB_MAIN
 #define _SISFB_MAIN
-/* Comments and changes marked with "TW" by Thomas Winischhofer <> */
+/* Comments and changes marked with "TW" by Thomas Winischhofer <> */
+#include "vstruct.h"
 /* ------------------- Constant Definitions ------------------------- */
-#undef LINUXBIOS   /* turn on when use LINUXBIOS */
+#undef LINUXBIOS   /* turn this on when compiling for LINUXBIOS */
 #define AGPOFF     /* default is turn off AGP */
+#define SISFAIL(x) do { printk(x "\n"); return -EINVAL; } while(0)
 #define VER_MAJOR                 1
-#define VER_MINOR                 3
-#define VER_LEVEL                 13 
+#define VER_MINOR                 5
+#define VER_LEVEL                 7
+#include "sis.h"
 /* TW: To be included in pci_ids.h */
 #ifndef PCI_DEVICE_ID_SI_650_VGA
@@ -21,17 +27,13 @@
 /* TW end */
-#define DEFAULT_MODE              3
-#define DEFAULT_LCDMODE           12
-#define DEFAULT_TVMODE            12
-#define MODE_INDEX_NONE           0 /* TW: index for mode=none */
 #define MAX_ROM_SCAN              0x10000
-#define TURBO_QUEUE_CAP           0x80
-#define HW_CURSOR_CAP             0x40
-#define AGP_CMD_QUEUE_CAP         0x80
-#define VM_CMD_QUEUE_CAP          0x20
+#define HW_CURSOR_CAP             0x80
+#define TURBO_QUEUE_CAP           0x40
+#define AGP_CMD_QUEUE_CAP         0x20
+#define VM_CMD_QUEUE_CAP          0x10
+#define MMIO_CMD_QUEUE_CAP        0x08
 /* For 300 series */
 #ifdef CONFIG_FB_SIS_300
@@ -68,6 +70,19 @@
 #define VB_PART4_ADR              (0x14-0x30)
 #define VB_PART4_DATA             (0x15-0x30)
+#define SISSR			  SiS_Pr.SiS_P3c4
+#define SISCR                     SiS_Pr.SiS_P3d4
+#define SISDACA                   SiS_Pr.SiS_P3c8
+#define SISDACD                   SiS_Pr.SiS_P3c9
+#define SISPART1                  SiS_Pr.SiS_Part1Port
+#define SISPART2                  SiS_Pr.SiS_Part2Port
+#define SISPART3                  SiS_Pr.SiS_Part3Port
+#define SISPART4                  SiS_Pr.SiS_Part4Port
+#define SISPART5                  SiS_Pr.SiS_Part5Port
+#define SISDAC2A                  SISPART5
+#define SISDAC2D                  (SISPART5 + 1)
+#define SISMISCR                  (SiS_Pr.RelIO + 0x1c)
 #define IND_SIS_PASSWORD          0x05  /* SRs */
 #define IND_SIS_COLOR_MODE        0x06
 #define IND_SIS_RAMDAC_CONTROL    0x07
@@ -92,16 +107,14 @@
 #define IND_SIS_SCRATCH_REG_CR37  0x37
 #define IND_SIS_AGP_IO_PAD        0x48
-#define IND_BRI_DRAM_STATUS       0x63 /* PCI memory size offset */
+#define IND_BRI_DRAM_STATUS       0x63 /* PCI config memory size offset */
 #define MMIO_QUEUE_PHYBASE        0x85C0
 #define MMIO_QUEUE_WRITEPORT      0x85C4
 #define MMIO_QUEUE_READPORT       0x85C8
-/* Eden Chen; TW */
 #define IND_SIS_CRT2_WRITE_ENABLE_300 0x24
 #define IND_SIS_CRT2_WRITE_ENABLE_315 0x2F
-/* ~Eden Chen; TW */
 #define SIS_PASSWORD              0x86  /* SR05 */
 #define SIS_INTERLACED_MODE       0x20  /* SR06 */
@@ -109,7 +122,7 @@
 #define SIS_15BPP_COLOR_MODE      0x1 
 #define SIS_16BPP_COLOR_MODE      0x2 
 #define SIS_32BPP_COLOR_MODE      0x4 
-#define SIS_DRAM_SIZE_MASK        0x3F  /* SR14 */
+#define SIS_DRAM_SIZE_MASK        0x3F  /* 300/630/730 SR14 */
 #define SIS_DRAM_SIZE_1MB         0x00
 #define SIS_DRAM_SIZE_2MB         0x01
 #define SIS_DRAM_SIZE_4MB         0x03
@@ -122,7 +135,7 @@
 #define SIS_DATA_BUS_64           0x01
 #define SIS_DATA_BUS_128          0x02
-#define SIS315_DRAM_SIZE_MASK     0xF0  /* 315/640?/740? SR14 */
+#define SIS315_DRAM_SIZE_MASK     0xF0  /* 315 SR14 */
 #define SIS315_DRAM_SIZE_2MB      0x01
 #define SIS315_DRAM_SIZE_4MB      0x02
 #define SIS315_DRAM_SIZE_8MB      0x03
@@ -139,7 +152,7 @@
 #define SIS315_ASYM_DDR		  	0x02
 #define SIS315_DUAL_CHANNEL_1_RANK    	0x3
-#define SIS550_DRAM_SIZE_MASK     0x3F  /* 550/650 SR14 */
+#define SIS550_DRAM_SIZE_MASK     0x3F  /* 550/650/740 SR14 */
 #define SIS550_DRAM_SIZE_4MB      0x00
 #define SIS550_DRAM_SIZE_8MB      0x01
 #define SIS550_DRAM_SIZE_16MB     0x03
@@ -157,7 +170,7 @@
 #define SIS_MEM_MAP_IO_ENABLE     0x01  /* SR20 */
 #define SIS_PCI_ADDR_ENABLE       0x80
-#define SIS_AGP_CMDQUEUE_ENABLE   0x80  /* 315 SR26 */
+#define SIS_AGP_CMDQUEUE_ENABLE   0x80  /* 315/650/740 SR26 */
 #define SIS_MMIO_CMD_ENABLE       0x20
 #define SIS_CMD_QUEUE_SIZE_512k   0x00
@@ -175,8 +188,10 @@
 #define SIS_VB_OUTPUT_LCD         0x20
 #define SIS_VB_OUTPUT_CRT2        0x40
 #define SIS_VB_OUTPUT_HIVISION    0x80
 #define SIS_VB_OUTPUT_DISABLE     0x20  /* CR31 */
 #define SIS_DRIVER_MODE           0x40
 #define SIS_VB_COMPOSITE          0x01  /* CR32 */
 #define SIS_VB_SVIDEO             0x02
 #define SIS_VB_SCART              0x04
@@ -185,23 +200,21 @@
 #define SIS_CRT1                  0x20
 #define SIS_VB_HIVISION           0x40
 #define SIS_VB_DVI                0x80
-#define SIS_LCD_PANEL_800X600     0x1   /* CR36 */
-#define SIS_LCD_PANEL_1024X768    0x2
-#define SIS_LCD_PANEL_1280X1024   0x3
-#define SIS_LCD_PANEL_1280X960    0x4
-#define SIS_LCD_PANEL_640X480     0x5
-#define SIS_LCD_PANEL_1600x1200   0x6  /* TW */
-#define SIS_LCD_PANEL_320x480	  0x7  /* TW: FSTN */
-#define SIS_EXTERNAL_CHIP_MASK    0x0E  /* CR37 */
-#define SIS_EXTERNAL_CHIP_SIS301        0x01
-#define SIS_EXTERNAL_CHIP_LVDS          0x02  
+#define SIS_VB_TV                 (SIS_VB_COMPOSITE | SIS_VB_SVIDEO | \
+                                   SIS_VB_SCART | SIS_VB_HIVISION)
+#define SIS_EXTERNAL_CHIP_MASK    	   0x0E  /* CR37 */
+#define SIS_EXTERNAL_CHIP_SIS301           0x01  /* in CR37 << 1 ! */
+#define SIS_EXTERNAL_CHIP_LVDS             0x02  /* in CR37 << 1 ! */
+#define SIS_EXTERNAL_CHIP_TRUMPION         0x03  /* in CR37 << 1 ! */
+#define SIS_EXTERNAL_CHIP_LVDS_CHRONTEL    0x04  /* in CR37 << 1 ! */
+#define SIS_EXTERNAL_CHIP_CHRONTEL         0x05  /* in CR37 << 1 ! */
+#define SIS310_EXTERNAL_CHIP_LVDS          0x02  /* in CR37 << 1 ! */
+#define SIS310_EXTERNAL_CHIP_LVDS_CHRONTEL 0x03  /* in CR37 << 1 ! */
 #define SIS_AGP_2X                0x20  /* CR48 */
-#define BRI_DRAM_SIZE_MASK        0x70  /* PCI bridge */
+#define BRI_DRAM_SIZE_MASK        0x70  /* PCI bridge config data */
 #define BRI_DRAM_SIZE_2MB         0x00
 #define BRI_DRAM_SIZE_4MB         0x01
 #define BRI_DRAM_SIZE_8MB         0x02
@@ -209,44 +222,99 @@
 #define BRI_DRAM_SIZE_32MB        0x04
 #define BRI_DRAM_SIZE_64MB        0x05
-// Eden Chen
 #define SR_BUFFER_SIZE            5
 #define CR_BUFFER_SIZE            5
-// ~Eden Chen
-int enable_dstn = 0;
+/* Useful macros */
+#define inSISREG(base)          inb(base)
+#define outSISREG(base,val)     outb(val,base)
+#define orSISREG(base,val)      do { \
+                                  unsigned char __Temp = inb(base); \
+                                  outSISREG(base, __Temp | (val)); \
+                                } while (0)
+#define andSISREG(base,val)     do { \
+                                  unsigned char __Temp = inb(base); \
+                                  outSISREG(base, __Temp & (val)); \
+                                } while (0)
+#define inSISIDXREG(base,idx,var)   do { \
+                                      outb(idx,base); var=inb((base)+1); \
+                                    } while (0)
+#define outSISIDXREG(base,idx,val)  do { \
+                                      outb(idx,base); outb((val),(base)+1); \
+                                    } while (0)
+#define orSISIDXREG(base,idx,val)   do { \
+                                      unsigned char __Temp; \
+                                      outb(idx,base);   \
+                                      __Temp = inb((base)+1)|(val); \
+                                      outSISIDXREG(base,idx,__Temp); \
+                                    } while (0)
+#define andSISIDXREG(base,idx,and)  do { \
+                                      unsigned char __Temp; \
+                                      outb(idx,base);   \
+                                      __Temp = inb((base)+1)&(and); \
+                                      outSISIDXREG(base,idx,__Temp); \
+                                    } while (0)
+#define setSISIDXREG(base,idx,and,or)   do { \
+                                          unsigned char __Temp; \
+                                          outb(idx,base);   \
+                                          __Temp = (inb((base)+1)&(and))|(or); \
+                                          outSISIDXREG(base,idx,__Temp); \
+                                        } while (0)
 /* ------------------- Global Variables ----------------------------- */
 /* Fbcon variables */
-static struct fb_info fb_info;
-static struct display disp;
-static int video_type = FB_TYPE_PACKED_PIXELS;
-static int video_linelength;
-static int video_cmap_len;
+static struct fb_info sis_fb_info;
+static struct display sis_disp;
+static int    video_type = FB_TYPE_PACKED_PIXELS;
 static struct display_switch sisfb_sw;
 static struct fb_var_screeninfo default_var = {
-	0, 0, 0, 0,
-	0, 0,
-	0,
-	0,
-	{0, 8, 0},
-	{0, 8, 0},
-	{0, 8, 0},
-	{0, 0, 0},
-	0,
-	FB_ACTIVATE_NOW, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-	0,
-	{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
+	xres:           0,
+	yres:           0,
+	xres_virtual:   0,
+	yres_virtual:   0,
+	xoffset:        0,
+	yoffset:        0,
+	bits_per_pixel: 0,
+	grayscale:      0,
+	red:            {0, 8, 0},
+	green:          {0, 8, 0},
+	blue:           {0, 8, 0},
+	transp:         {0, 0, 0},
+	nonstd:         0,
+	activate:       FB_ACTIVATE_NOW,
+	height:         -1,
+	width:          -1,
+	accel_flags:    0,
+	pixclock:       0,
+	left_margin:    0,
+	right_margin:   0,
+	upper_margin:   0,
+	lower_margin:   0,
+	hsync_len:      0,
+	vsync_len:      0,
+	sync:           0,
+	vmode:          FB_VMODE_NONINTERLACED,
+	reserved:       {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
 static struct {
 	u16 blue, green, red, pad;
-} palette[256];
+} sis_palette[256];
+static u32 pseudo_palette[17];
 static union {
 #ifdef FBCON_HAS_CFB16
 	u16 cfb16[16];
@@ -257,7 +325,7 @@
 #ifdef FBCON_HAS_CFB32
 	u32 cfb32[16];
-} fbcon_cmap;
+} sis_fbcon_cmap;
 /* display status */
 static int sisfb_off = 0;
@@ -265,45 +333,50 @@
 static int sisfb_forcecrt1 = -1;
 static int sisfb_inverse = 0;
 static int sisvga_enabled = 0;
 static int currcon = 0;
+/* global flags */
 static int sisfb_tvmode = 0;
 static int sisfb_mem = 0;
+static int sisfb_pdc = 0;
+static int enable_dstn = 0;
+static int sisfb_accel = -1;
+static int sisfb_ypan = -1;
-static enum _VGA_ENGINE {
-	SIS_300_VGA,
-	SIS_315_VGA,
-} sisvga_engine = UNKNOWN_VGA;
+VGA_ENGINE sisvga_engine = UNKNOWN_VGA;
-/* TW: These are to adapted to VGA_ENGINE type */
+/* TW: These are to adapted according to VGA_ENGINE type */
 static int sisfb_hwcursor_size = 0;
 static int sisfb_CRT2_write_enable = 0;
-/* mode-related variables */
-int sisfb_mode_idx = MODE_INDEX_NONE;  /* (TW) was -1 */
-u8  sisfb_mode_no = 0;
-u8  sisfb_rate_idx = 0;
-int sisfb_crt2type = -1;	/* TW: CRT2 type (for overriding autodetection) */
+int sisfb_crt2type  = -1;	/* TW: CRT2 type (for overriding autodetection) */
+int sisfb_tvplug    = -1;	/* PR: Tv plug type (for overriding autodetection) */
-int sisfb_queuemode = -1; 	/* TW: Use MMIO queue mode by default (310 series only) */
+int sisfb_queuemode = -1; 	/* TW: Use MMIO queue mode by default (310/325 series only) */
-/* data for sis components*/
+/* data for sis components */
 struct video_info ivideo;
-// Eden Chen
+/* TW: For ioctl SISFB_GET_INFO */
+sisfb_info sisfbinfo;
+/* TW: Hardware extension; contains data on hardware */
 HW_DEVICE_EXTENSION sishw_ext = {
 	0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-	{0, 0, 0, 0}
+	{0, 0, 0, 0},
+	0
-// ~Eden Chen
+/* TW: SiS private structure */
+SiS_Private  SiS_Pr;
 /* card parameters */
 static unsigned long sisfb_mmio_size = 0;
-static u8 sisfb_caps = 0;
+static u8            sisfb_caps = 0;
 typedef enum _SIS_CMDTYPE {
 	MMIO_CMD = 0,
@@ -317,118 +390,203 @@
 	const char *name;
 } sisdev_list[] = {
 	{PCI_VENDOR_ID_SI, PCI_DEVICE_ID_SI_300,     "SIS 300"},
 	{PCI_VENDOR_ID_SI, PCI_DEVICE_ID_SI_315,     "SIS 315"},
+	{PCI_VENDOR_ID_SI, PCI_DEVICE_ID_SI_650_VGA, "SIS 650/M650/651/740 VGA"},
 	{0, 0, NULL}
+#define MD_SIS300 1
+#define MD_SIS315 2
 /* mode table */
-static const struct _sisbios_mode {
+/* NOT const - will be patched for 1280x960 mode number chaos reasons */
+struct _sisbios_mode {
 	char name[15];
 	u8 mode_no;
+	u16 vesa_mode_no_1;  /* "SiS defined" VESA mode number */
+	u16 vesa_mode_no_2;  /* Real VESA mode numbers */
 	u16 xres;
 	u16 yres;
 	u16 bpp;
 	u16 rate_idx;
 	u16 cols;
 	u16 rows;
+	u8  chipset;
 } sisbios_mode[] = {
-	{"none", 0xFF, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, 		    /* TW: for mode "none" */
-	{"320x240x16",   0x56,  320,  240, 16, 1,  40, 15},
-	{"320x480x8",    0x5A,  320,  480,  8, 1,  40, 30},
-	{"320x480x16",   0x5B,  320,  480, 16, 1,  40, 30},
-	{"640x480x8",    0x2E,  640,  480,  8, 1,  80, 30},
-	{"640x480x16",   0x44,  640,  480, 16, 1,  80, 30},
-	{"640x480x24",   0x62,  640,  480, 32, 1,  80, 30}, /* TW: That's for people who mix up color- and fb depth */
-	{"640x480x32",   0x62,  640,  480, 32, 1,  80, 30},
-	{"720x480x8",    0x31,  720,  480,  8, 1,  90, 30},
-	{"720x480x16",   0x33,  720,  480, 16, 1,  90, 30},
-	{"720x480x24",   0x35,  720,  480, 32, 1,  90, 30}, /* TW */
-	{"720x480x32",   0x35,  720,  480, 32, 1,  90, 30},
-	{"720x576x8",    0x32,  720,  576,  8, 1,  90, 36},
-	{"720x576x16",   0x34,  720,  576, 16, 1,  90, 36},
-	{"720x576x24",   0x36,  720,  576, 32, 1,  90, 36}, /* TW */
-	{"720x576x32",   0x36,  720,  576, 32, 1,  90, 36},
-	{"800x600x8",    0x30,  800,  600,  8, 2, 100, 37},
-	{"800x600x16",   0x47,  800,  600, 16, 2, 100, 37},
-	{"800x600x24",   0x63,  800,  600, 32, 2, 100, 37}, /* TW */
-	{"800x600x32",   0x63,  800,  600, 32, 2, 100, 37},
-	{"1024x768x8",   0x38, 1024,  768,  8, 2, 128, 48},
-	{"1024x768x16",  0x4A, 1024,  768, 16, 2, 128, 48},
-	{"1024x768x24",  0x64, 1024,  768, 32, 2, 128, 48}, /* TW */
-	{"1024x768x32",  0x64, 1024,  768, 32, 2, 128, 48},
-	{"1280x960x8",   0x7C, 1280,  960,  8, 1, 160, 60}, /* TW */
-	{"1280x960x16",  0x7D, 1280,  960, 16, 1, 160, 60}, /* TW */
-	{"1280x960x24",  0x7E, 1280,  960, 32, 1, 160, 60}, /* TW */
-	{"1280x960x32",  0x7E, 1280,  960, 32, 1, 160, 60}, /* TW */
-	{"1280x1024x8",  0x3A, 1280, 1024,  8, 2, 160, 64},
-	{"1280x1024x16", 0x4D, 1280, 1024, 16, 2, 160, 64},
-	{"1280x1024x24", 0x65, 1280, 1024, 32, 2, 160, 64}, /* TW */
-	{"1280x1024x32", 0x65, 1280, 1024, 32, 2, 160, 64},
-	{"1600x1200x8",  0x3C, 1600, 1200,  8, 1, 200, 75},
-	{"1600x1200x16", 0x3D, 1600, 1200, 16, 1, 200, 75},
-	{"1600x1200x24", 0x66, 1600, 1200, 32, 1, 200, 75}, /* TW */
-	{"1600x1200x32", 0x66, 1600, 1200, 32, 1, 200, 75},
-	{"1920x1440x8",  0x68, 1920, 1440,  8, 1, 240, 75},
-	{"1920x1440x16", 0x69, 1920, 1440, 16, 1, 240, 75},
-	{"1920x1440x24", 0x6B, 1920, 1440, 32, 1, 240, 75}, /* TW */
-	{"1920x1440x32", 0x6B, 1920, 1440, 32, 1, 240, 75},
-	{"\0", 0x00, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
+#define MODE_INDEX_NONE           0  /* TW: index for mode=none */
+	{"none",         0xFF, 0x0000, 0x0000,    0,    0,  0, 0,   0,  0, MD_SIS300|MD_SIS315},  /* TW: for mode "none" */
+	{"320x240x16",   0x56, 0x0000, 0x0000,  320,  240, 16, 1,  40, 15,           MD_SIS315},
+	{"320x480x8",    0x5A, 0x0000, 0x0000,  320,  480,  8, 1,  40, 30,           MD_SIS315},  /* TW: FSTN */
+	{"320x480x16",   0x5B, 0x0000, 0x0000,  320,  480, 16, 1,  40, 30,           MD_SIS315},  /* TW: FSTN */
+	{"640x480x8",    0x2E, 0x0101, 0x0101,  640,  480,  8, 1,  80, 30, MD_SIS300|MD_SIS315},
+	{"640x480x16",   0x44, 0x0111, 0x0111,  640,  480, 16, 1,  80, 30, MD_SIS300|MD_SIS315},
+	{"640x480x24",   0x62, 0x013a, 0x0112,  640,  480, 32, 1,  80, 30, MD_SIS300|MD_SIS315},  /* TW: That's for people who mix up color- and fb depth */
+	{"640x480x32",   0x62, 0x013a, 0x0112,  640,  480, 32, 1,  80, 30, MD_SIS300|MD_SIS315},
+	{"720x480x8",    0x31, 0x0000, 0x0000,  720,  480,  8, 1,  90, 30, MD_SIS300|MD_SIS315},
+	{"720x480x16",   0x33, 0x0000, 0x0000,  720,  480, 16, 1,  90, 30, MD_SIS300|MD_SIS315},
+	{"720x480x24",   0x35, 0x0000, 0x0000,  720,  480, 32, 1,  90, 30, MD_SIS300|MD_SIS315},
+	{"720x480x32",   0x35, 0x0000, 0x0000,  720,  480, 32, 1,  90, 30, MD_SIS300|MD_SIS315},
+	{"720x576x8",    0x32, 0x0000, 0x0000,  720,  576,  8, 1,  90, 36, MD_SIS300|MD_SIS315},
+	{"720x576x16",   0x34, 0x0000, 0x0000,  720,  576, 16, 1,  90, 36, MD_SIS300|MD_SIS315},
+	{"720x576x24",   0x36, 0x0000, 0x0000,  720,  576, 32, 1,  90, 36, MD_SIS300|MD_SIS315},
+	{"720x576x32",   0x36, 0x0000, 0x0000,  720,  576, 32, 1,  90, 36, MD_SIS300|MD_SIS315},
+	{"800x480x8",    0x70, 0x0000, 0x0000,  800,  480,  8, 1, 100, 30,           MD_SIS315},  /* TW: 310/325 series only */
+	{"800x480x16",   0x7a, 0x0000, 0x0000,  800,  480, 16, 1, 100, 30,           MD_SIS315},
+	{"800x480x24",   0x76, 0x0000, 0x0000,  800,  480, 32, 1, 100, 30,           MD_SIS315},
+	{"800x480x32",   0x76, 0x0000, 0x0000,  800,  480, 32, 1, 100, 30,           MD_SIS315},
+#define DEFAULT_MODE              20 /* TW: index for 800x600x8 */
+#define DEFAULT_LCDMODE           20 /* TW: index for 800x600x8 */
+#define DEFAULT_TVMODE            20 /* TW: index for 800x600x8 */
+	{"800x600x8",    0x30, 0x0103, 0x0103,  800,  600,  8, 2, 100, 37, MD_SIS300|MD_SIS315},
+	{"800x600x16",   0x47, 0x0114, 0x0114,  800,  600, 16, 2, 100, 37, MD_SIS300|MD_SIS315},
+	{"800x600x24",   0x63, 0x013b, 0x0115,  800,  600, 32, 2, 100, 37, MD_SIS300|MD_SIS315},
+	{"800x600x32",   0x63, 0x013b, 0x0115,  800,  600, 32, 2, 100, 37, MD_SIS300|MD_SIS315},
+	{"1024x576x8",   0x71, 0x0000, 0x0000, 1024,  576,  8, 1, 128, 36,           MD_SIS315},  /* TW: 310/325 series only */
+	{"1024x576x16",  0x74, 0x0000, 0x0000, 1024,  576, 16, 1, 128, 36,           MD_SIS315},
+	{"1024x576x24",  0x77, 0x0000, 0x0000, 1024,  576, 32, 1, 128, 36,           MD_SIS315},
+	{"1024x576x32",  0x77, 0x0000, 0x0000, 1024,  576, 32, 1, 128, 36,           MD_SIS315},
+	{"1024x600x8",   0x20, 0x0000, 0x0000, 1024,  600,  8, 1, 128, 37, MD_SIS300          },  /* TW: 300 series only */
+	{"1024x600x16",  0x21, 0x0000, 0x0000, 1024,  600, 16, 1, 128, 37, MD_SIS300          },
+	{"1024x600x24",  0x22, 0x0000, 0x0000, 1024,  600, 32, 1, 128, 37, MD_SIS300          },
+	{"1024x600x32",  0x22, 0x0000, 0x0000, 1024,  600, 32, 1, 128, 37, MD_SIS300          },
+	{"1024x768x8",   0x38, 0x0105, 0x0105, 1024,  768,  8, 2, 128, 48, MD_SIS300          },
+	{"1024x768x16",  0x4A, 0x0117, 0x0117, 1024,  768, 16, 2, 128, 48, MD_SIS300          },
+	{"1024x768x24",  0x64, 0x013c, 0x0118, 1024,  768, 32, 2, 128, 48, MD_SIS300          },
+	{"1024x768x32",  0x64, 0x013c, 0x0118, 1024,  768, 32, 2, 128, 48, MD_SIS300          },
+	{"1152x768x8",   0x23, 0x0000, 0x0000, 1152,  768,  8, 1, 144, 48, MD_SIS300          },  /* TW: 300 series only */
+	{"1152x768x16",  0x24, 0x0000, 0x0000, 1152,  768, 16, 1, 144, 48, MD_SIS300          },
+	{"1152x768x24",  0x25, 0x0000, 0x0000, 1152,  768, 32, 1, 144, 48, MD_SIS300          },
+	{"1152x768x32",  0x25, 0x0000, 0x0000, 1152,  768, 32, 1, 144, 48, MD_SIS300          },
+	{"1280x720x8",   0x79, 0x0000, 0x0000, 1280,  720,  8, 1, 160, 45,           MD_SIS315},  /* TW: 310/325 series only */
+	{"1280x720x16",  0x75, 0x0000, 0x0000, 1280,  720, 16, 1, 160, 45,           MD_SIS315},
+	{"1280x720x24",  0x78, 0x0000, 0x0000, 1280,  720, 32, 1, 160, 45,           MD_SIS315},
+	{"1280x720x32",  0x78, 0x0000, 0x0000, 1280,  720, 32, 1, 160, 45,           MD_SIS315},
+	{"1280x768x8",   0x23, 0x0000, 0x0000, 1280,  768,  8, 1, 160, 48,           MD_SIS315},  /* TW: 310/325 series only */
+	{"1280x768x16",  0x24, 0x0000, 0x0000, 1280,  768, 16, 1, 160, 48,           MD_SIS315},
+	{"1280x768x24",  0x25, 0x0000, 0x0000, 1280,  768, 32, 1, 160, 48,           MD_SIS315},
+	{"1280x768x32",  0x25, 0x0000, 0x0000, 1280,  768, 32, 1, 160, 48,           MD_SIS315},
+#define MODEINDEX_1280x960 48
+	{"1280x960x8",   0x7C, 0x0000, 0x0000, 1280,  960,  8, 1, 160, 60, MD_SIS300|MD_SIS315},  /* TW: Modenumbers being patched */
+	{"1280x960x16",  0x7D, 0x0000, 0x0000, 1280,  960, 16, 1, 160, 60, MD_SIS300|MD_SIS315},
+	{"1280x960x24",  0x7E, 0x0000, 0x0000, 1280,  960, 32, 1, 160, 60, MD_SIS300|MD_SIS315},
+	{"1280x960x32",  0x7E, 0x0000, 0x0000, 1280,  960, 32, 1, 160, 60, MD_SIS300|MD_SIS315},
+	{"1280x1024x8",  0x3A, 0x0107, 0x0107, 1280, 1024,  8, 2, 160, 64, MD_SIS300|MD_SIS315},
+	{"1280x1024x16", 0x4D, 0x011a, 0x011a, 1280, 1024, 16, 2, 160, 64, MD_SIS300|MD_SIS315},
+	{"1280x1024x24", 0x65, 0x013d, 0x011b, 1280, 1024, 32, 2, 160, 64, MD_SIS300|MD_SIS315},
+	{"1280x1024x32", 0x65, 0x013d, 0x011b, 1280, 1024, 32, 2, 160, 64, MD_SIS300|MD_SIS315},
+	{"1400x1050x8",  0x26, 0x0000, 0x0000, 1400, 1050,  8, 1, 175, 65,           MD_SIS315},  /* TW: 310/325 series only */
+	{"1400x1050x16", 0x27, 0x0000, 0x0000, 1400, 1050, 16, 1, 175, 65,           MD_SIS315},
+	{"1400x1050x24", 0x28, 0x0000, 0x0000, 1400, 1050, 32, 1, 175, 65,           MD_SIS315},
+	{"1400x1050x32", 0x28, 0x0000, 0x0000, 1400, 1050, 32, 1, 175, 65,           MD_SIS315},
+	{"1600x1200x8",  0x3C, 0x0130, 0x011c, 1600, 1200,  8, 1, 200, 75, MD_SIS300|MD_SIS315},
+	{"1600x1200x16", 0x3D, 0x0131, 0x011e, 1600, 1200, 16, 1, 200, 75, MD_SIS300|MD_SIS315},
+	{"1600x1200x24", 0x66, 0x013e, 0x011f, 1600, 1200, 32, 1, 200, 75, MD_SIS300|MD_SIS315},
+	{"1600x1200x32", 0x66, 0x013e, 0x011f, 1600, 1200, 32, 1, 200, 75, MD_SIS300|MD_SIS315},
+	{"1920x1440x8",  0x68, 0x013f, 0x0000, 1920, 1440,  8, 1, 240, 75, MD_SIS300|MD_SIS315},
+	{"1920x1440x16", 0x69, 0x0140, 0x0000, 1920, 1440, 16, 1, 240, 75, MD_SIS300|MD_SIS315},
+	{"1920x1440x24", 0x6B, 0x0141, 0x0000, 1920, 1440, 32, 1, 240, 75, MD_SIS300|MD_SIS315},
+	{"1920x1440x32", 0x6B, 0x0141, 0x0000, 1920, 1440, 32, 1, 240, 75, MD_SIS300|MD_SIS315},
+	{"2048x1536x8",  0x6c, 0x0000, 0x0000, 2048, 1536,  8, 1, 256, 96,           MD_SIS315},  /* TW: 310/325 series only */
+	{"2048x1536x16", 0x6d, 0x0000, 0x0000, 2048, 1536, 16, 1, 256, 96,           MD_SIS315},
+	{"2048x1536x24", 0x6e, 0x0000, 0x0000, 2048, 1536, 32, 1, 256, 96,           MD_SIS315},
+	{"2048x1536x32", 0x6e, 0x0000, 0x0000, 2048, 1536, 32, 1, 256, 96,           MD_SIS315},
+	{"\0", 0x00, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
+/* mode-related variables */
+#ifdef MODULE
+int sisfb_mode_idx = MODE_INDEX_NONE;  /* Don't use a mode by default if we are a module */
+int sisfb_mode_idx = -1;               /* Use a default mode if we are inside the kernel */
+u8  sisfb_mode_no  = 0;
+u8  sisfb_rate_idx = 0;
+/* TW: CR36 evaluation */
+const USHORT sis300paneltype[] =
+    { LCD_UNKNOWN,   LCD_800x600,  LCD_1024x768,  LCD_1280x1024,
+      LCD_1280x960,  LCD_640x480,  LCD_1024x600,  LCD_1152x768,
+      LCD_320x480,   LCD_1024x768, LCD_1024x768,  LCD_1024x768,
+      LCD_1024x768,  LCD_1024x768, LCD_1024x768,  LCD_1024x768 };
+const USHORT sis310paneltype[] =
+    { LCD_UNKNOWN,   LCD_800x600,  LCD_1024x768,  LCD_1280x1024,
+      LCD_640x480,   LCD_1024x600, LCD_1152x864,  LCD_1280x960,
+      LCD_1152x768,  LCD_1400x1050,LCD_1280x768,  LCD_1600x1200,
+      LCD_320x480,   LCD_1024x768, LCD_1024x768,  LCD_1024x768 };
 static const struct _sis_crt2type {
-	char name[6];
+	char name[10];
 	int type_no;
+	int tvplug_no;
 } sis_crt2type[] = {
-	{"NONE", 0},
-	{"TV",   DISPTYPE_TV},
-	{"none", 0},	/* TW: make it fool-proof */
-	{"lcd",  DISPTYPE_LCD},
-	{"tv",   DISPTYPE_TV},
-	{"vga",  DISPTYPE_CRT2},
-	{"\0",  -1}
+	{"NONE", 	0, 		-1},
+	{"LCD",  	DISPTYPE_LCD, 	-1},
+	{"TV",   	DISPTYPE_TV, 	-1},
+	{"VGA",  	DISPTYPE_CRT2, 	-1},
+	{"none", 	0, 		-1},
+	{"lcd",  	DISPTYPE_LCD, 	-1},
+	{"tv",   	DISPTYPE_TV, 	-1},
+	{"vga",  	DISPTYPE_CRT2, 	-1},
+	{"\0",  	-1, 		-1}
+/* Queue mode selection for 310 series */
 static const struct _sis_queuemode {
 	char name[6];
 	int type_no;
 } sis_queuemode[] = {
-	{"agp",  AGP_CMD_QUEUE},
-	{"vram", VM_CMD_QUEUE},
-	{"mmio", MMIO_CMD},
-	{"\0",  -1}
+	{"MMIO", 	MMIO_CMD},
+	{"agp",  	AGP_CMD_QUEUE},
+	{"vram", 	VM_CMD_QUEUE},
+	{"mmio", 	MMIO_CMD},
+	{"\0",   	-1}
-static struct _sis_vrate {
+static const struct _sis_vrate {
 	u16 idx;
 	u16 xres;
 	u16 yres;
 	u16 refresh;
 } sisfb_vrate[] = {
-	{1,  640,  480,  60}, {2,  640, 480,  72}, {3,  640, 480,  75}, {4,  640, 480,  85},
-	{5,  640,  480, 100}, {6,  640, 480, 120}, {7,  640, 480, 160}, {8,  640, 480, 200},
-	{1,  720,  480,  60},
-	{1,  720,  576,  50},
-	{1,  800,  600,  56}, {2,  800, 600,  60}, {3,  800, 600,  72}, {4,  800, 600,  75},
-	{5,  800,  600,  85}, {6,  800, 600, 100}, {7,  800, 600, 120}, {8,  800, 600, 160},
-	{1, 1024,  768,  43}, {2, 1024, 768,  60}, {3, 1024, 768,  70}, {4, 1024, 768,  75},
-	{5, 1024,  768,  85}, {6, 1024, 768, 100}, {7, 1024, 768, 120},
-	{1, 1280, 1024,  43}, {2, 1280, 1024, 60}, {3, 1280, 1024, 75}, {4, 1280, 1024, 85},
-	/* TW: Values for 1280x960 guessed */
-	{1, 1280,  960,  43},  /* {1, 1280,  960, 60}, */
-	{1, 1600, 1200,  60}, {2, 1600, 1200, 65}, {3, 1600, 1200, 70}, {4, 1600, 1200, 75},
-	{5, 1600, 1200,  85},
-	{1, 1920, 1440,  60},
+	{1,  640,  480, 60}, {2,  640,  480,  72}, {3, 640,   480,  75}, {4,  640, 480,  85},
+	{5,  640,  480,100}, {6,  640,  480, 120}, {7, 640,   480, 160}, {8,  640, 480, 200},
+	{1,  720,  480, 60},
+	{1,  720,  576, 58},
+	{1,  800,  480, 60}, {2,  800,  480,  75}, {3, 800,   480,  85},
+	{1,  800,  600, 56}, {2,  800,  600,  60}, {3, 800,   600,  72}, {4,  800, 600,  75},
+	{5,  800,  600, 85}, {6,  800,  600, 100}, {7, 800,   600, 120}, {8,  800, 600, 160},
+	{1, 1024,  768, 43}, {2, 1024,  768,  60}, {3, 1024,  768,  70}, {4, 1024, 768,  75},
+	{5, 1024,  768, 85}, {6, 1024,  768, 100}, {7, 1024,  768, 120},
+	{1, 1024,  576, 60}, {2, 1024,  576,  65}, {3, 1024,  576,  75},
+	{1, 1024,  600, 60},
+	{1, 1152,  768, 60},
+	{1, 1280,  720, 60}, {2, 1280,  720,  75}, {3, 1280,  720,  85},
+	{1, 1280,  768, 60},
+	{1, 1280, 1024, 43}, {2, 1280, 1024,  60}, {3, 1280, 1024,  75}, {4, 1280, 1024,  85},
+	{1, 1280,  960, 60},
+	{1, 1400, 1050, 60},
+	{1, 1600, 1200, 60}, {2, 1600, 1200,  65}, {3, 1600, 1200,  70}, {4, 1600, 1200,  75},
+	{5, 1600, 1200, 85}, {6, 1600, 1200, 100}, {7, 1600, 1200, 120},
+	/* TW: Clock values for 1920x1440 guessed (except for the first one) */
+	{1, 1920, 1440, 60}, {2, 1920, 1440,  70}, {3, 1920, 1440,  75}, {4, 1920, 1440,  85},
+	{5, 1920, 1440,100}, {6, 1920, 1440, 120},
+	/* TW: Clock values for 2048x1536 guessed */
+	{1, 2048, 1536, 60}, {2, 2048, 1536,  70}, {3, 2048, 1536,  75}, {4, 2048, 1536,  85},
+	{5, 2048, 1536,100},
 	{0, 0, 0, 0}
@@ -466,10 +624,10 @@
 static unsigned long sisfb_heap_start;
 static unsigned long sisfb_heap_end;
 static unsigned long sisfb_heap_size;
-static SIS_HEAP sisfb_heap;
+static SIS_HEAP      sisfb_heap;
 // Eden Chen
-static struct _sis_TV_filter {
+static const struct _sis_TV_filter {
 	u8 filter[9][4];
 } sis_TV_filter[] = {
 	{ {{0x00,0x00,0x00,0x40},  /* NTSCFilter_0 */
@@ -618,115 +776,134 @@
 	   {0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF} }}
-static int filter = -1;
+static int           filter = -1;
 static unsigned char filter_tb;
 //~Eden Chen
-/* ---------------------- Routine Prototype ------------------------- */
+/* ---------------------- Routine prototypes ------------------------- */
 /* Interface used by the world */
-int sisfb_setup(char *options);
-static int sisfb_get_fix(struct fb_fix_screeninfo *fix, int con,
-			 struct fb_info *info);
-static int sisfb_get_var(struct fb_var_screeninfo *var, int con,
-			 struct fb_info *info);
-static int sisfb_set_var(struct fb_var_screeninfo *var, int con,
-			 struct fb_info *info);
-static int sisfb_get_cmap(struct fb_cmap *cmap, int kspc, int con,
-			  struct fb_info *info);
-static int sisfb_set_cmap(struct fb_cmap *cmap, int kspc, int con,
-			  struct fb_info *info);
-static int sisfb_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struct file *file,
-		       unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg, int con,
-		       struct fb_info *info);
+#ifndef MODULE
+int             sisfb_setup(char *options);
+static int      sisfb_get_fix(struct fb_fix_screeninfo *fix, int con,
+			struct fb_info *info);
+static int      sisfb_get_var(struct fb_var_screeninfo *var, int con,
+			struct fb_info *info);
+static int      sisfb_set_par(struct fb_info *info);
+static int      sisfb_set_var(struct fb_var_screeninfo *var, int con,
+			struct fb_info *info);
+static int      sisfb_get_cmap(struct fb_cmap *cmap, int kspc, int con,
+			struct fb_info *info);
+static int      sisfb_set_cmap(struct fb_cmap *cmap, int kspc, int con,
+			struct fb_info *info);
+static int      sisfb_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struct file *file,
+		       	unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg, int con,
+		       	struct fb_info *info);
 /* Interface to the low level console driver */
-int sisfb_init(void);
-static int sisfb_update_var(int con, struct fb_info *info);
-static int sisfb_switch(int con, struct fb_info *info);
-static void sisfb_blank(int blank, struct fb_info *info);
+int             sisfb_init(void);
+static int      sisfb_update_var(int con, struct fb_info *info);
+static int      sisfb_switch(int con, struct fb_info *info);
+static int      sisfb_blank(int blank, struct fb_info *info);
+static void     sisfb_blank(int blank, struct fb_info *info);
 /* hardware access routines */
-void sisfb_set_reg1(u16 port, u16 index, u16 data);
-void sisfb_set_reg3(u16 port, u16 data);
-void sisfb_set_reg4(u16 port, unsigned long data);
-u8   sisfb_get_reg1(u16 port, u16 index);
-u8   sisfb_get_reg2(u16 port);
-u32  sisfb_get_reg3(u16 port);
-// Eden Chen
-//void sisfb_clear_DAC(u16 port);
-//void sisfb_clear_buffer(PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION psishw_ext);
-// ~Eden Chen
+void            sisfb_set_reg4(u16 port, unsigned long data);
+u32             sisfb_get_reg3(u16 port);
+/* 2D accelerator functions */
+extern int      sisfb_initaccel(void);
+extern void     fbcon_sis_fillrect(struct fb_info *info, struct fb_fillrect *rect);
+extern void     fbcon_sis_copyarea(struct fb_info *info, struct fb_copyarea *area);
+extern void     cfb_imageblit(struct fb_info *info, struct fb_image *image);
 /* Internal routines */
-static void sisfb_search_mode(const char *name);
-static void sisfb_validate_mode(void);
-static u8   sisfb_search_refresh_rate(unsigned int rate);
-static int  sis_getcolreg(unsigned regno, unsigned *red, unsigned *green,
-			 unsigned *blue, unsigned *transp,
-			 struct fb_info *fb_info);
-static int  sis_setcolreg(unsigned regno, unsigned red, unsigned green,
-			 unsigned blue, unsigned transp,
-			 struct fb_info *fb_info);
-static int  sisfb_do_set_var(struct fb_var_screeninfo *var, int isactive,
-		      struct fb_info *info);
-static void sisfb_set_disp(int con, struct fb_var_screeninfo *var);
-static void sisfb_do_install_cmap(int con, struct fb_info *info);
+static void     sisfb_search_mode(const char *name);
+static int      sisfb_validate_mode(int modeindex);
+static u8       sisfb_search_refresh_rate(unsigned int rate);
+static int      sisfb_setcolreg(unsigned regno, unsigned red, unsigned green,
+			unsigned blue, unsigned transp,
+			struct fb_info *fb_info);
+static int      sisfb_do_set_var(struct fb_var_screeninfo *var, int isactive,
+		      	struct fb_info *info);
+static void     sisfb_set_disp(int con, struct fb_var_screeninfo *var, struct fb_info *info);
+static int      sis_getcolreg(unsigned regno, unsigned *red, unsigned *green,
+			unsigned *blue, unsigned *transp,
+			struct fb_info *fb_info);
+static void     sisfb_do_install_cmap(int con, struct fb_info *info);
+static void     sisfb_pre_setmode(void);
+static void     sisfb_post_setmode(void);
+static void     sisfb_crtc_to_var(struct fb_var_screeninfo *var);
-/* Chip-dependent Routines */
+/* Chipset-dependent Routines */
 #ifdef CONFIG_FB_SIS_300
-static int sisfb_get_dram_size_300(void);
-//extern BOOLEAN SiSInit300(PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension);
-static void sisfb_detect_VB_connect_300(void);
-static void sisfb_get_VB_type_300(void);
-static int sisfb_has_VB_300(void);
-//extern BOOLEAN SiSSetMode(PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension,USHORT ModeNo);
+static int      sisfb_get_dram_size_300(void);
+static void     sisfb_detect_VB_connect_300(void);
+static void     sisfb_get_VB_type_300(void);
+static int      sisfb_has_VB_300(void);
 #ifdef CONFIG_FB_SIS_315
-static int sisfb_get_dram_size_315(void);
-//extern BOOLEAN SiSInit310(PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension);
-static void sisfb_detect_VB_connect_315(void);
-static void sisfb_get_VB_type_315(void);
-static int sisfb_has_VB_315(void);
-//extern BOOLEAN SiSSetMode310(PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension, USHORT ModeNo);
+static int      sisfb_get_dram_size_315(void);
+static void     sisfb_detect_VB_connect_315(void);
+static void     sisfb_get_VB_type_315(void);
+static int      sisfb_has_VB_315(void);
-/* SetMode routines */
-// Eden Chen
-extern BOOLEAN SiSSetMode(PSIS_HW_DEVICE_INFO HwDeviceExtension, USHORT ModeNo);
-extern BOOLEAN SiSInit(PSIS_HW_DEVICE_INFO HwDeviceExtension);
-extern void SetEnableDstn(void);
-// ~Eden Chen
-extern void 	SiSRegInit(USHORT BaseAddr);
-extern USHORT 	SiS_GetCH7005(USHORT tempbx);
-extern void 	SiS_SetCH7005(USHORT tempbx);
-extern void     SiS_SetCHTVRegANDOR(USHORT tempax,USHORT tempbh);
-static void sisfb_pre_setmode(void);
-static void sisfb_post_setmode(void);
-static void sisfb_crtc_to_var(struct fb_var_screeninfo *var);
+/* TW: Sensing routines */
+void            SiS_Sense30x(void);
+int             SISDoSense(int tempbl, int tempbh, int tempcl, int tempch);
+void            SiS_SenseCh(void);
+/* Routines from init.c/init301.c */
+extern void 	SiSRegInit(SiS_Private *SiS_Pr, USHORT BaseAddr);
+extern BOOLEAN  SiSInit(SiS_Private *SiS_Pr, PSIS_HW_DEVICE_INFO HwDeviceExtension);
+extern BOOLEAN  SiSSetMode(SiS_Private *SiS_Pr, PSIS_HW_DEVICE_INFO HwDeviceExtension, USHORT ModeNo);
+extern void     SetEnableDstn(SiS_Private *SiS_Pr);
+extern void     SiS_LongWait(SiS_Private *SiS_Pr);
+/* TW: Chrontel TV functions */
+extern USHORT 	SiS_GetCH700x(SiS_Private *SiS_Pr, USHORT tempbx);
+extern void 	SiS_SetCH700x(SiS_Private *SiS_Pr, USHORT tempbx);
+extern USHORT 	SiS_GetCH701x(SiS_Private *SiS_Pr, USHORT tempbx);
+extern void 	SiS_SetCH701x(SiS_Private *SiS_Pr, USHORT tempbx);
+extern void     SiS_SetCH70xxANDOR(SiS_Private *SiS_Pr, USHORT tempax,USHORT tempbh);
+extern void     SiS_DDC2Delay(SiS_Private *SiS_Pr, USHORT delaytime);
 /* Export functions  */
-static void sis_get_glyph(SIS_GLYINFO *gly);
-void sis_dispinfo(struct ap_data *rec);
-void sis_malloc(struct sis_memreq *req);
-void sis_free(unsigned long base);
+static void     sis_get_glyph(struct fb_info *info, SIS_GLYINFO *gly);
+void            sis_dispinfo(struct ap_data *rec);
+void            sis_malloc(struct sis_memreq *req);
+void            sis_free(unsigned long base);
 /* heap routines */
-static int sisfb_heap_init(void);
-static SIS_OH *sisfb_poh_new_node(void);
-static SIS_OH *sisfb_poh_allocate(unsigned long size);
-static void sisfb_delete_node(SIS_OH *poh);
-static void sisfb_insert_node(SIS_OH *pohList, SIS_OH *poh);
-static SIS_OH *sisfb_poh_free(unsigned long base);
-static void sisfb_free_node(SIS_OH *poh);
+static int      sisfb_heap_init(void);
+static SIS_OH   *sisfb_poh_new_node(void);
+static SIS_OH   *sisfb_poh_allocate(unsigned long size);
+static void     sisfb_delete_node(SIS_OH *poh);
+static void     sisfb_insert_node(SIS_OH *pohList, SIS_OH *poh);
+static SIS_OH   *sisfb_poh_free(unsigned long base);
+static void     sisfb_free_node(SIS_OH *poh);
 /* routines to access PCI configuration space */
-BOOLEAN sisfb_query_VGA_config_space(PSIS_HW_DEVICE_INFO psishw_ext, 
-	unsigned long offset, unsigned long set, unsigned long *value);
-BOOLEAN sisfb_query_north_bridge_space(PSIS_HW_DEVICE_INFO psishw_ext, 
-	unsigned long offset, unsigned long set, unsigned long *value);
+BOOLEAN         sisfb_query_VGA_config_space(PSIS_HW_DEVICE_INFO psishw_ext,
+	          	unsigned long offset, unsigned long set, unsigned long *value);
+BOOLEAN         sisfb_query_north_bridge_space(PSIS_HW_DEVICE_INFO psishw_ext,
+	         	unsigned long offset, unsigned long set, unsigned long *value);

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: