patch-2.4.5 linux/arch/ppc/boot/pmac/Makefile

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.4.4/linux/arch/ppc/boot/pmac/Makefile linux/arch/ppc/boot/pmac/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+# BK Id: SCCS/s.Makefile 1.8 05/21/01 09:10:38 trini
+# Makefile for making XCOFF bootable images for booting on PowerMacs
+# using Open Firmware.
+# Paul Mackerras	January 1997
+# Cleaned up, moved into arch/ppc/boot/pmac
+# Tom Rini		January 2001
+OBJCOPY_ARGS = -O aixcoff-rs6000 -R .stab -R .stabstr -R .comment
+COFF_LD_ARGS = -e _start -T ld.script -Ttext 500000 -Tdata 510000 -Bstatic
+CHRP_LD_ARGS = -Ttext 0x01000000
+COMMONOBJS = start.o misc.o ../common/string.o image.o
+COFFOBJS = ../common/coffcrt0.o $(COMMONOBJS) coffmain.o
+CHRPOBJS = ../common/crt0.o $(COMMONOBJS) chrpmain.o
+LIBS = $(TOPDIR)/lib/lib.a ../lib/zlib.a
+MKNOTE := ../utils/mknote
+SIZE := ../utils/size
+OFFSET := ../utils/offset
+PIGGYBACK := ../utils/piggyback
+HACKCOFF := ../utils/hack-coff
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_PPC64BRIDGE),y)
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_SMP),y)
+	$(MAKE) -C ../common crt0.o
+	$(MAKE) -C ../common coffcrt0.o
+chrpmain.o: chrpmain.c
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DSYSMAP_OFFSET=0 -DSYSMAP_SIZE=0 -c chrpmain.c
+znetboot: vmlinux.coff vmlinux.elf-pmac zImage
+	cp ../images/vmlinux.coff $(TFTPIMAGE)
+	cp ../images/vmlinux.elf-pmac $(TFTPIMAGE).elf
+znetboot.initrd: vmlinux.coff.initrd vmlinux.initrd.elf-pmac
+	cp ../images/vmlinux.coff.initrd $(TFTPIMAGE)
+	cp ../images/vmlinux.elf-pmac.initrd $(TFTPIMAGE).elf
+#floppy: zImage
+#	mount -t hfs /dev/fd0 /mnt
+#	cp vmlinux.coff /mnt
+#	umount /mnt
+miboot.image: dummy.o ../images/vmlinux.gz
+	$(OBJCOPY) $(OBJCOPY_ARGS) --add-section=image=../images/vmlinux.gz \
+		dummy.o ../images/$@
+miboot.image.initrd: miboot.image ../images/ramdisk.image.gz
+	$(OBJCOPY) $(OBJCOPY_ARGS) --add-section=initrd=../images/ramdisk.image.gz \
+		../images/miboot.image ../images/$@
+coffboot: $(COFFOBJS) $(LIBS) ../common/no_initrd.o ld.script ../images/vmlinux.gz
+	$(LD) -o $@ $(COFF_LD_ARGS) $(COFFOBJS) ../common/no_initrd.o $(LIBS)
+coffboot.initrd: $(COFFOBJS) $(LIBS) initrd.o ld.script ../images/vmlinux.gz
+	$(LD) -o $@ $(COFF_LD_ARGS) $(COFFOBJS) initrd.o $(LIBS)
+image.o: $(PIGGYBACK) ../images/vmlinux.gz
+	$(PIGGYBACK) image < ../images/vmlinux.gz | $(AS) -o $@
+initrd.o: ../images/ramdisk.image.gz $(PIGGYBACK)
+	$(PIGGYBACK) initrd < ../images/ramdisk.image.gz | $(AS) -o $@
+vmlinux.coff: coffboot $(HACKCOFF)
+	$(OBJCOPY) $(OBJCOPY_ARGS) coffboot ../images/$@
+	$(HACKCOFF) ../images/$@
+	rm -f coffboot
+	ln -sf vmlinux.coff ../images/zImage.pmac
+vmlinux.coff.initrd: coffboot.initrd $(HACKCOFF)
+	$(OBJCOPY) $(OBJCOPY_ARGS) coffboot.initrd ../images/$@
+	$(HACKCOFF) ../images/$@
+	rm -f coffboot.initrd
+	ln -sf vmlinux.coff.initrd ../images/zImage.initrd.pmac
+vmlinux.elf-pmac: $(CHRPOBJS) $(LIBS) ../common/no_initrd.o $(MKNOTE) ../images/vmlinux.gz
+	$(LD) $(CHRP_LD_ARGS) -o ../images/$@ $(CHRPOBJS) ../common/no_initrd.o $(LIBS)
+	$(MKNOTE) > note
+	$(OBJCOPY) ../images/$@ ../images/$@ --add-section=.note=note \
+		--add-section=sysmap=$(TOPDIR)/ -R .comment
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) chrpmain.c -c -o chrpmain.o \
+		-DSYSMAP_OFFSET=`sh $(OFFSET) $(OBJDUMP) ../images/$@ sysmap` \
+		-DSYSMAP_SIZE=`sh $(SIZE) $(OBJDUMP) ../images/$@ sysmap`
+	$(LD) $(CHRP_LD_ARGS) -o ../images/$@ $(CHRPOBJS) ../common/no_initrd.o $(LIBS)
+	$(OBJCOPY) ../images/$@ ../images/$@ --add-section=.note=note \
+		--add-section=sysmap=$(TOPDIR)/ -R .comment
+	rm -f note
+vmlinux.initrd.elf-pmac: $(CHRPOBJS) $(LIBS) initrd.o $(MKNOTE) ../images/vmlinux.gz
+	$(LD) $(CHRP_LD_ARGS) -o ../images/$@ $(CHRPOBJS) initrd.o $(LIBS)
+	$(MKNOTE) > note
+	$(OBJCOPY) ../images/$@ ../images/$@ --add-section=.note=note -R .comment
+	rm -f note
+zImage: vmlinux.coff vmlinux.elf-pmac miboot.image
+zImage.initrd: vmlinux.coff.initrd vmlinux.initrd.elf-pmac miboot.image.initrd
+include $(TOPDIR)/Rules.make

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: