patch-2.4.5 linux/arch/ppc/treeboot/mkevimg

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.4.4/linux/arch/ppc/treeboot/mkevimg linux/arch/ppc/treeboot/mkevimg
@@ -1,437 +0,0 @@
-#    Copyright (c) 1998-1999 TiVo, Inc.
-#    All rights reserved.
-#    Copyright (c) 1999 Grant Erickson <>
-#      Major syntactic and usability rework.
-#    Module name: mkevimg
-#    Description:
-#      Converts an ELF output file from the linker into the format used by
-#      the IBM evaluation board ROM Monitor to load programs from a host
-#      onto the evaluation board. The ELF file must be an otherwise execut-
-#      able file (with the text and data addresses bound at link time) and
-#      have space reserved after the entry point for the load information
-#      block:
-#      typedef struct boot_block {
-#        unsigned long magic;	        0x0052504F
-#	 unsigned long dest;	        Target address of the image
-#	 unsigned long num_512blocks;   Size, rounded-up, in 512 byte blocks
-#	 unsigned long debug_flag;      Run the debugger or image after load
-#        unsigned long entry_point;	The image address to jump to after load
-#	 unsigned long reserved[3];
-#      } boot_block_t;
-use File::Basename;
-use Getopt::Std;
-# usage()
-# Description:
-#   This routine prints out the proper command line usage for this program
-# Input(s):
-#   status - Flag determining what usage information will be printed and what
-#            the exit status of the program will be after the information is
-#            printed.
-# Output(s):
-#   N/A
-# Returns:
-#   This subroutine does not return.
-sub usage {
-  my($status);
-  $status = $_[0];
-  printf("Usage: %s [-hlvV] <ELF input file> <Evaluation board output file>\n",
-	$program);
-  if ($status != 0) {
-    printf("Try `%s -h' for more information.\n", $program);
-  }
-  if ($status != 1) {
-    print("  -h         Print out this message and exit.\n");
-    print("  -l         Linux mode; if present, copy 'image' and 'initrd' sections.\n");
-    print("  -v         Verbose. Print out lots of ELF information.\n");
-    print("  -V         Print out version information and exit.\n");
-  }
-  exit($status);
-# version()
-# Description:
-#   This routine prints out program version information
-# Input(s):
-#   N/A
-# Output(s):
-#   N/A
-# Returns:
-#   This subroutine does not return.
-sub version {
-  print("mkevimg Version 1.1.0\n");
-  print("Copyright (c) 1998-1999 TiVo, Inc.\n");
-  print("Copyright (c) 1999 Grant Erickson <grant\>\n");
-  exit (0);
-# file_check()
-# Description:
-#   This routine checks an input file to ensure that it exists, is a
-#   regular file, and is readable.
-# Input(s):
-#   file - Input file to be checked.
-# Output(s):
-#   N/A
-# Returns:
-#   0 if the file exists, is a regular file, and is readable, otherwise -1.
-sub file_check {
-  my($file);
-  $file = $_[0];
-  if (!(-e $file)) {
-    printf("The file \"%s\" does not exist.\n", $file);
-    return (-1);
-  } elsif (!(-f $file)) {
-    printf("The file \"%s\" is not a regular file.\n", $file);
-    return (-1);
-  } elsif (!(-r $file)) {
-    printf("The file \"%s\" is not readable.\n", $file);
-    return (-1);
-  }
-  return (0);
-# decode_options()
-# Description:
-#   This routine steps through the command-line arguments, parsing out
-#   recognzied options.
-# Input(s):
-#   N/A
-# Output(s):
-#   N/A
-# Returns:
-#   N/A
-sub decode_options {
-  if (!getopts("hlvV")) {
-    usage(1);
-  }
-  if ($opt_h) {
-    usage(0);
-  }
-  if ($opt_l) {
-    $linux = 1;
-  }
-  if ($opt_V) {
-    version();
-    exit (0);
-  }
-  if ($opt_v) {
-    $verbose = 1;
-  }
-  if (!($ifile = shift(@ARGV))) {
-    usage(1);
-  }
-  if (!($ofile = shift(@ARGV))) {
-    usage (1);
-  }
-  if (file_check($ifile)) {
-    exit(1);
-  }
-# ELF file and section header field numbers
-require '';
-# Main program body
-  $program = basename($0);
-  decode_options();
-  open(ELF, "<$ifile") || die "Cannot open input file";
-  $ifilesize = (-s $ifile);
-  if ($verbose) {
-    print("Output file: $ofile\n");
-    print("Input file: $ifile, $ifilesize bytes.\n");
-  }
-  if (read(ELF, $ibuf, $ifilesize) != $ifilesize) {
-    print("Failed to read input file!\n");
-    exit(1);
-  }
-  # 
-  # Parse ELF header
-  #
-  @eh = unpack("a16n2N5n6", $ibuf);
-  #
-  # Make sure this is actually a PowerPC ELF file.
-  #
-  if (substr($eh[$e_ident], 0, 4) ne "\177ELF") {
-    printf("The file \"%s\" is not an ELF file.\n", $ifile);
-    exit (1);
-  } elsif ($eh[$e_machine] != 20) {
-    printf("The file \"%s\" is not a PowerPC ELF file.\n", $ifile);
-    exit (1);
-  }
-  if ($verbose) {
-    print("File header:\n");
-    printf("  Identifier:            %s\n",	$eh[$e_ident]);
-    printf("  Type:                  %d\n",	$eh[$e_type]);
-    printf("  Machine:               %d\n",	$eh[$e_machine]);
-    printf("  Version:               %d\n",	$eh[$e_version]);
-    printf("  Entry point:           0x%08x\n", $eh[$e_entry]);
-    printf("  Program header offset: 0x%x\n",	$eh[$e_phoff]);
-    printf("  Section header offset: 0x%x\n",	$eh[$e_shoff]);
-    printf("  Flags:                 0x%08x\n", $eh[$e_flags]);
-    printf("  Header size:           %d\n", $eh[$e_ehsize]);
-    printf("  Program entry size:    %d\n", $eh[$e_phentsize]);
-    printf("  Program table entries: %d\n", $eh[$e_phnum]);
-    printf("  Section header size:   %d\n", $eh[$e_shentsize]);
-    printf("  Section table entries: %d\n", $eh[$e_shnum]);
-    printf("  String table section:  %d\n", $eh[$e_shstrndx]);
-  }
-  #
-  # Find the section header for the string table.
-  #
-  $strtable_section_offset =  $eh[$e_shoff] +
-    $eh[$e_shstrndx] * $eh[$e_shentsize];
-  if ($verbose) {
-    printf("String table section header offset: 0x%x\n",
-	   $strtable_section_offset);
-  }
-  #
-  # Find the start of the string table.
-  #
-  @strh = unpack("N10", substr($ibuf, $strtable_section_offset, 
-			       $eh[$e_shentsize]));
-  if ($verbose) {
-    printf("Section name strings start at: 0x%x, %d bytes.\n",
-	   $strh[$sh_offset], $strh[$sh_size]);
-  }
-  $names = substr($ibuf, $strh[$sh_offset], $strh[$sh_size]);
-  # Grab each section header and find '.text' and '.bss' sections in
-  # particular.
-  if ($verbose) {
-  print("Section headers:\n");
-  print("Idx  Name                      Size      Address   File off  Algn\n");
-  print("---  ------------------------  --------  --------  --------  ----\n");
-  }
-  $off = $eh[$e_shoff];
-  for($i = 0; $i < $eh[$e_shnum]; $i++, $off += $eh[$e_shentsize]) {
-    @sh = unpack("N10", substr($ibuf, $off, $eh[$e_shentsize]));
-    # Take the first section name from the array returned by split.
-    ($name) = split(/\000/, substr($names, $sh[$sh_name]));
-    if ($verbose) {
-      printf("%3d  %-24s  %8x  %08x  %08x  %4d\n", 
-	     $i, $name, $sh[$sh_size], $sh[$sh_addr], 
-	     $sh[$sh_offset], $sh[$sh_addralign]);
-    }
-    # Attempt to find the .text and .bss sections
-    if ($name =~ /^\.bss$/) {
-      ($bss_addr, $bss_offset, $bss_size) =
-	($sh[$sh_addr], $sh[$sh_offset], $sh[$sh_size]);
-    } elsif ($name =~ /^\.text$/) {
-      ($text_addr, $text_offset, $text_size) = 
-	($sh[$sh_addr], $sh[$sh_offset], $sh[$sh_size]);
-    } elsif ($linux && ($name =~ /^\image$/)) {
-      $image_found = 1;
-      ($image_addr, $image_offset, $image_size) = 
-	($sh[$sh_addr], $sh[$sh_offset], $sh[$sh_size]);
-    } elsif ($linux && ($name =~ /^\initrd$/)) {
-      $initrd_found = 1;
-      ($initrd_addr, $initrd_offset, $initrd_size) = 
-	($sh[$sh_addr], $sh[$sh_offset], $sh[$sh_size]);
-    }
-  }
-  printf("Text section   - Address: 0x%08x, Size: 0x%08x\n",
-	 $text_addr, $text_size);
-  printf("Bss  section   - Address: 0x%08x, Size: 0x%08x\n",
-	 $bss_addr, $bss_size);
-  if ($linux) {
-    if ($image_found) {
-      printf("Image section  - Address: 0x%08x, Size: 0x%08x\n",
-	     $image_addr, $image_size);
-    }
-    if ($initrd_found) {
-      printf("Initrd section - Address: 0x%08x, Size: 0x%08x\n",
-	     $initrd_addr, $initrd_size);
-    }
-  }
-  #
-  # Open output file
-  #
-  open(BOOT, ">$ofile") || die "Cannot open output file";
-  #
-  # Compute image size
-  #
-  $output_size = $bss_offset - $text_offset + $bss_size;
-  if ($linux && $image_found) {
-    $output_size += $image_size;
-  }
-  if ($linux && $initrd_found) {
-    $output_size += $initrd_size;
-  }
-  $num_blocks = $output_size / 512 + 1;
-  #
-  # Write IBM PowerPC evaluation board boot_block_t header
-  #
-  $header = pack("H8N7", "0052504f", $text_addr, $num_blocks, 0,
-		 $text_addr, 0, 0, 0);
-  $bytes = length($header);
-  if (($resid = syswrite(BOOT, $header, $bytes)) != $bytes) {
-    die("Could not write boot image header to output file.");
-  }
-  printf("Entry point = 0x%08x\n", $text_addr);
-  printf("Image size  = 0x%08x (%d bytes) (%d blocks).\n", 
-	 $output_size, $output_size, $num_blocks);
-  #
-  # Write image starting after ELF and program headers and 
-  # continuing to beginning of bss
-  #
-  $bytes = $bss_offset - $text_offset + $bss_size;
-  if (($resid = syswrite(BOOT, $ibuf, $bytes, $text_offset)) != $bytes) {
-    die("Could not write boot image to output file.\n");
-  }
-  #
-  # If configured, write out the image and initrd sections as well
-  #
-  if ($linux) {
-    if ($image_found) {
-      $bytes = $image_size;
-      if (($resid = syswrite(BOOT, $ibuf, $bytes, $image_offset)) != $bytes) {
-	die("Could not write boot image to output file.\n");
-      }
-    }
-    if ($initrd_found) {
-      $bytes = $initrd_size;
-      if (($resid = syswrite(BOOT, $ibuf, $bytes, $initrd_offset)) != $bytes) {
-	die("Could not write boot image to output file.\n");
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  #
-  # Pad to a multiple of 512 bytes
-  #
-  $pad_size = 512 - (length($header) + $output_size) % 512;
-  if ($verbose) {
-    print("Padding boot image by an additional $pad_size bytes.\n");
-  }
-  $pad_string = pack(("H8","deadbeef") x 128);
-  syswrite(BOOT, $pad_string, $pad_size) or
-    die "Could not pad boot image in output file.\n";
-  #
-  # Clean-up and leave
-  #
-  close(BOOT);
-  print("\nBoot image file \"$ofile\" built successfully.\n\n");
-  exit(0);

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: