Announcing: *** Parsival, the spellcasting Paladin 'Borg *** A brave knight fighting both Morgoth's dreadful creatures and the complex lurking dangers of borg programming bugs :-) by Frits Daalmans This version works (kind of) for angband v2.7.5 by Ben Harrison. It is based heavily on Ben Harrison's borg.c code. The code was split up in several files for easy compilation; only file that needs changing from the original code is the Makefile (Warning! original Makefile gets overwritten when you unpack the tar file, so make a backup!) The borg is tested best on Paladins, therefore the name Parsival. Consider this beta software; don't use in a hospital or nuclear power plant :-) This tar.gz file contains the following: README.parsival this file borg.h header file (from Ben's borg.c) borg_basics.c basic borg routines (Ben H.) borg_goals.c borg main routines (Ben H., small but significant hooks for my code in borg_prepare_start() and borg_prepare_think()) borg_objects.c inventory and equipment, using items (Ben H.) borg_townlev.c shop routines, buying/selling (Ben H.) borg_spells.c borg spellcasting routines; includes automatic gaining of spells, and figuring out which spells are known (this was TOUGH! (for me)). I consider this one file copyright Frits Daalmans, 1995. You (the user) are allowed to use/change/give away the source, provided that you: - clearly state that I'm the original author - clearly state (if you alter the source) which part is original and which part is yours. - don't make money from it or its derivatives. If you cannot comply with these demands, don't use borg_spells.c! If Ben agrees, I'll place this file under GNU copyleft. Read the GNU COPYRIGHT file or mail me for more info. borg_proto.h These are 'cextract' created ANSI function prototypes borg_basics.h borg_goals.h borg_objects.h borg_townlev.h borg_spells.h If you compile these files without #defining FRITS (e.g. in CFLAGS; -D"FRITS") you should get the original source back. I haven't tested this though. If you compile with -D"FRITS" AND -D"FRITS_DEBUG" you get: - a shitload of borg_notes :-) - the option l for logging on/off in the borg menu (ctrl-Z); logs in file 'borglog' in the current directory (warning: grows large FAST) Have fun watching the borg, Frits Daalmans