% This test should not be needed since biblatex.sty already checks
% if LuaTeX or XeTeX is used.
% Currently Unicode-aware engines are only XeTeX and LuaTeX,
% both of which define \Umathcode.

\openin\blx@bcfin=UnicodeData.txt %
    \read\blx@bcfin to \blx@tempb

% Second part of workaround for odd XeTeX/babel-french behaviour
% https://github.com/plk/biblatex/issues/979
% fix by Ulrike Fischer
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/544914/.
% The first bit lives in biblatex.sty.
% At some point we may want to consider providing a
% blx-unicode-xetex and a blx-unicode-lualatex
% both loading a blx-unicode-generic.
% For now this test is enough.

  % … should probably have dot spacefactor, but pdfLaTeX
  % makes it a period, so we have this here for consistency





