2025-03-10  Frank Mittelbach  <Frank.Mittelbach@latex-project.org>

	* footmisc.dtx:
	Make use of the new sockets in LaTeX 2025-06-01

2024-12-24  Frank Mittelbach  <Frank.Mittelbach@latex-project.org>

	* footmisc.dtx (subsection{The requirements of \cs{@footnotetext}}):
	Add \@currentcounter added to LaTeX a while back (gh/15)

2023-07-05  Frank Mittelbach  <Frank.Mittelbach@latex-project.org>

	* footmisc.dtx:
	Account for indentation due to hang option so that quote, itemize, etc are
	properly positioned inside the footnote text (gh/11)

2023-05-26  Frank Mittelbach  <Frank.Mittelbach@latex-project.org>

	* footmisc.dtx (subsection{The output routine configuration components}):
	Fix a loading order incompatibility with marginfix package (gh/10)

2022-03-08  Frank Mittelbach  <Frank.Mittelbach@latex-project.org>

	* footmisc.dtx (subsection{The other footnote commands}):
	Also support optional arg of \cs{MakePerPage} (gh/03)

2022-03-07  Frank Mittelbach  <Frank.Mittelbach@latex-project.org>

	* footmisc.dtx (subsection{The other footnote commands}):
	Fix an issue in the perpage package (gh/03)
	Footnotes on chapter pages in report/book class started with 2.
	This should really be fixed in the perpage package.

2022-02-14  Frank Mittelbach  <Frank.Mittelbach@latex-project.org>

	* footmisc.dtx:
	Corrected the "bottom" option so that it behaves like in v5. Dropped
	"bottomfootnotes", because everything can be expressed with combinations
	of the four options "bottom" (footnotes at the bottom), "bottomfloats",
	"abovefloats", and "belowfloats". (gh/1)

2022-02-05  Frank Mittelbach  <Frank.Mittelbach@latex-project.org>

	* footmisc.dtx:
	Previous version was 5.5b from 2011. This is now version 6.
	A few bugs have been fixed and the following new options have
	been added:

	  - bottomfloats
	  - bottomfootnotes
	  - abovefloats
	  - belowfloats

	For details see the package documentation.

	There is a rollback possibility using either a date
	'[=YYYY-MM-DD]' or the string '[=v5]' as the second optional
	argument to \usepackage, e.g., \usepackage{footmisc}[=v5].