%% This file contains the code that is common to the Tufte-LaTeX document classes.

\ProvidesFile{tufte-common.def}[2015/06/21 v3.5.2 Common code for the Tufte-LaTeX styles]

% The `xkeyval' package simplifies the user interface for the document class options

% We use the `xifthen' package to handle our package option switches

% Define some shortcut macros for error/warning/info logging.

% `debug' option -- provides more information in the .log file for use in
% troubleshooting problems

% `nofonts' option -- doesn't load any fonts
% `fonts' option -- tries to load fonts

% `nols' option -- doesn't configure letterspacing
% `ls' option -- configures letterspacing

% `nobib' option -- doesn't load natbib or adjust the \cite command

% `titlepage' option -- creates a full title page with \maketitle


% `a4paper' option


% `b5paper' option


% `sfsidenotes' option -- typesets sidenotes in sans serif typeface


% `symmetric' option -- puts marginpar space to the outside edge of the page
%   Note: this option forces the twoside option (see the .cls files)

  \@tufte@info@noline{The `symmetric' option implies `twoside'}

% `twoside' option -- alternates running heads

  \@tufte@info@noline{Passing the `twoside' option to the `\@tufte@class' class}

% `notoc' option -- suppresses the Tufte-style table of contents


% `justified' option -- uses fully justified text (flush left and flush
% right) instead of ragged right.


% `bidi' option -- loads the bidi package for bi-directional text


% `nohyper' option -- suppresses loading of the hyperref package


% `sidenote', `marginnote', `caption', `citation', `marginals' options
% Each allows one of {justified,raggedleft,raggedright,raggedouter,auto}.

    \renewcommand*{\@tufte@sidenote@justification}{\justifying}% justified
    \renewcommand*{\@tufte@sidenote@justification}{\RaggedLeft}% ragged left
    \renewcommand*{\@tufte@sidenote@justification}{\RaggedRight}% ragged right
    \renewcommand*{\@tufte@sidenote@justification}{\@tufte@justification@outer}% ragged outer (flush right on verso pages, flush left on recto pages)
    \renewcommand*{\@tufte@sidenote@justification}{\@tufte@justification@autodetect}% autodetects best justification mode based on all class options
  \@tufte@warning@noline{Invalid option `#1' for sidenote key. Must be one of: justified, raggedleft, raggedright, raggedouter, auto}
  \renewcommand*{\@tufte@sidenote@justification}{\@tufte@justification@autodetect}% autodetects best justification mode based on all class options

    \renewcommand*{\@tufte@marginnote@justification}{\justifying}% justified
    \renewcommand*{\@tufte@marginnote@justification}{\RaggedLeft}% ragged left
    \renewcommand*{\@tufte@marginnote@justification}{\RaggedRight}% ragged right
    \renewcommand*{\@tufte@marginnote@justification}{\@tufte@justification@outer}% ragged outer (flush right on verso pages, flush left on recto pages)
    \renewcommand*{\@tufte@marginnote@justification}{\@tufte@justification@autodetect}% autodetects best justification mode based on all class options
  \@tufte@warning@noline{Invalid option `#1' for marginnote key. Must be one of: justified, raggedleft, raggedright, raggedouter, auto}
  \renewcommand*{\@tufte@marginnote@justification}{\@tufte@justification@autodetect}% autodetects best justification mode based on all class options

    \renewcommand*{\@tufte@caption@justification}{\justifying}% justified
    \renewcommand*{\@tufte@caption@justification}{\RaggedLeft}% ragged left
    \renewcommand*{\@tufte@caption@justification}{\RaggedRight}% ragged right
    \renewcommand*{\@tufte@caption@justification}{\@tufte@justification@caption@outer}% ragged outer (flush right on verso pages, flush left on recto pages)
    \renewcommand*{\@tufte@caption@justification}{\@tufte@justification@autodetect}% autodetects best justification mode based on all class options
  \@tufte@warning@noline{Invalid option `#1' for caption key. Must be one of: justified, raggedleft, raggedright, raggedouter, auto}
  \renewcommand*{\@tufte@caption@justification}{\@tufte@justification@autodetect}% autodetects best justification mode based on all class options

    \renewcommand*{\@tufte@citation@justification}{\justifying}% justified
    \renewcommand*{\@tufte@citation@justification}{\RaggedLeft}% ragged left
    \renewcommand*{\@tufte@citation@justification}{\RaggedRight}% ragged right
    \renewcommand*{\@tufte@citation@justification}{\@tufte@justification@outer}% ragged outer (flush right on verso pages, flush left on recto pages)
    \renewcommand*{\@tufte@citation@justification}{\@tufte@justification@autodetect}% autodetects best justification mode based on all class options
  \@tufte@warning@noline{Invalid option `#1' for citation key. Must be one of: justified, raggedleft, raggedright, raggedouter, auto}
  \renewcommand*{\@tufte@citation@justification}{\@tufte@justification@autodetect}% autodetects best justification mode based on all class options

% The ``marginals'' key simultaneously sets the same justification for all marginal material
    \ExecuteOptionsX[tufte]<common>{citation=justified,sidenote=justified,caption=justified,marginnote=justified}% justified
    \ExecuteOptionsX[tufte]<common>{citation=raggedleft,sidenote=raggedleft,caption=raggedleft,marginnote=raggedleft}% ragged left
    \ExecuteOptionsX[tufte]<common>{citation=raggedright,sidenote=raggedright,caption=raggedright,marginnote=raggedright}% ragged right
    \ExecuteOptionsX[tufte]<common>{citation=raggedouter,sidenote=raggedouter,caption=raggedouter,marginnote=raggedouter}% ragged outer (flush right on verso pages, flush left on recto pages)
    \ExecuteOptionsX[tufte]<common>{citation=auto,sidenote=auto,caption=auto,marginnote=auto}% autodetects best justification mode based on all class options
  \@tufte@warning@noline{Invalid option `#1' for marginals key. Must be one of: justified, raggedleft, raggedright, raggedouter, auto}
  \ExecuteOptionsX[tufte]<common>{citation=auto,sidenote=auto,caption=auto,marginnote=auto}% autodetects best justification mode based on all class options

% Unsupported options

\newcommand{\@tufte@unsupported@option}[1]{\@tufte@warning@noline{Option `#1' is not supported -- ignoring option}\OptionNotUsed}


% Default `book' and `handout' options


  \@tufte@info@noline{Passing \CurrentOption\space to the `\@tufte@class' class.}%

% Load the appropriate base class
\@tufte@info@noline{Loading the base class `\@tufte@class'}

% Detect whether we're in two-side mode or not.  (Used to set up running
% heads later.)


% Detect if we're using pdfLaTeX

}{% assume we're not using pdfTex?

% Detect if we're using XeLaTeX

}{% not using xelatex

  \RequirePackage{xltxtra}% xltxtra loads xunicode and fontspec; must be loaded before bidi

% Detect if we're using LuaTeX

}{% not using luatex

  \setmainfont[Renderer=Basic, Numbers=OldStyle, Scale = 1.0]{TeX Gyre Pagella}
  \setsansfont[Renderer=Basic, Scale=0.90]{TeX Gyre Heros}
  \setmonofont[Renderer=Basic]{TeX Gyre Cursor}

% Globally sets the length


% Globally sets a boolean

\newcommand*{\gsetboolean}[2]{% based on code from ifthen pkg
    {\PackageError{ifthen}{You can only set a boolean to `true' or `false'}\@ehc}%
      {\PackageError{ifthen}{Boolean #1 undefined}\@ehc}%

% The titlesec and titletoc packages are used to change the style of the
% section headings.  These packages should be loaded before the hyperref
% package.


%% Loads the hyperref package and sets some default options.

    pdfborder = {0 0 0},
    bookmarksdepth = section,
    citecolor = DarkGreen,
    linkcolor = DarkBlue,
    urlcolor = DarkGreen,

%% Load the `hyperref' package.

}{% hyperfootnotes override our modifications to the \footnote* and \@footnote* commands.

% Set the font sizes and baselines to match Tufte's books
   \abovedisplayskip 10\p@ \@plus2\p@ \@minus5\p@
   \abovedisplayshortskip \z@ \@plus3\p@
   \belowdisplayshortskip 6\p@ \@plus3\p@ \@minus3\p@
   \belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip
   \abovedisplayskip 8.5\p@ \@plus3\p@ \@minus4\p@
   \abovedisplayshortskip \z@ \@plus2\p@
   \belowdisplayshortskip 4\p@ \@plus2\p@ \@minus2\p@
               \topsep 4\p@ \@plus2\p@ \@minus2\p@
               \parsep 2\p@ \@plus\p@ \@minus\p@
               \itemsep \parsep}%
   \belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip
   \abovedisplayskip 6\p@ \@plus2\p@ \@minus4\p@
   \abovedisplayshortskip \z@ \@plus\p@
   \belowdisplayshortskip 3\p@ \@plus\p@ \@minus2\p@
               \topsep 3\p@ \@plus\p@ \@minus\p@
               \parsep 2\p@ \@plus\p@ \@minus\p@
               \itemsep \parsep}%
   \belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip

\setlength\leftmargini   {1pc}
\setlength\leftmarginii  {1pc}
\setlength\leftmarginiii {1pc}
\setlength\leftmarginiv  {1pc}
\setlength\leftmarginv   {1pc}
\setlength\leftmarginvi  {1pc}
\setlength\labelsep      {.5pc}
\setlength\labelwidth    {\leftmargini}

% \RaggedRight allows hyphenation

\setlength{\RaggedRightRightskip}{\z@ plus 0.08\hsize}

% Paragraph indentation and separation for normal text

% Paragraph indentation and separation for marginal text

% Set page layout geometry




  {\geometry{asymmetric}}% forces internal LaTeX `twoside'

% Separation marginpars by a line's worth of space.


% Font for margin items




% Set the justification baesed on the `justified' class option


% Turn off section numbering


% Tighten up space between displays (e.g., a figure or table) and make symmetric

\setlength\abovedisplayskip{6pt plus 2pt minus 4pt}
\setlength\belowdisplayskip{6pt plus 2pt minus 4pt}

% To implement full-width display environments

  \@tufte@debug@info@noline{Found changepage.sty}
  \@tufte@debug@info@noline{Found chngpage.sty}

% Write our own aliases for the \checkoddpage and \ifoddpage or \ifcpoddpage commands

% Compute lengths used for full-width displays

\newlength{\@tufte@overhang}% used by the fullwidth environment and the running heads





% Modified \title, \author, and \date commands.  These store the
% (footnote-less) values in \plaintitle, \plainauthor, and \thedate, respectively.

\newcommand{\plaintitle}{}%     plain-text-only title
\newcommand{\plainauthor}{}%    plain-text-only author
\newcommand{\plainpublisher}{}% plain-text-only publisher

\newcommand{\thanklesstitle}{}%     full title text minus \thanks{}
\newcommand{\thanklessauthor}{}%    full author text minus \thanks{}
\newcommand{\thanklesspublisher}{}% full publisher minus \thanks{}

\newcommand{\@publisher}{}% full publisher with \thanks{}

% TODO Fix it so that \thanks is not spaced out (with `soul') and can be
% used in \maketitle when the `sfsidenotes' option is provided.

    % TODO store contents of \thanks command
    \renewcommand{\thanks}[1]{}% swallow \thanks contents
    {\renewcommand{\plaintitle}{\thanklesstitle}}% use thankless title
    {\renewcommand{\plaintitle}{#1}}% use provided plain-text title
    {}% hyperref is not loaded; do nothing
    {\hypersetup{pdftitle={\plaintitle}}}% set the PDF metadata title

\let\@author\@empty% suppress default latex.ltx ``no author'' warning
    % TODO store contents of \thanks command
    \renewcommand{\thanks}[1]{}% swallow \thanks contents
    {\renewcommand{\plainauthor}{\thanklessauthor}}% use thankless author
    {\renewcommand{\plainauthor}{#1}}% use provided plain-text author
    {}% hyperref is not loaded; do nothing
    {\hypersetup{pdfauthor={\plainauthor}}}% set the PDF metadata author

    % TODO store contents of \thanks command
    \renewcommand{\thanks}[1]{}% swallow \thanks contents

% Provides a \publisher command to set the publisher

    \renewcommand{\thanks}[1]{}% swallow \thanks contents
    {\renewcommand{\plainpublisher}{\thanklesspublisher}}% use thankless publisher
    {\renewcommand{\plainpublisher}{#1}}% use provided plain-text publisher

% TODO: Test \hypersetup{pdfauthor,pdftitle} with DVI and XeTeX

% Require paralist package for tighter lists


% Add rightmargin to compactenum

  \expandafter\list\csname label\@enumctr\endcsname{%
    \rightmargin=2em% added this

% Improved letterspacing of small caps and all-caps text.
% First, try to use the `microtype' package, if it's available. 
% Failing that, try to use the `soul' package, if it's available.
% Failing that, well, I give up.


\RequirePackage{textcase} % provides \MakeTextUppercase and \MakeTextLowercase
\def\allcapsspacing{\@tufte@warning{Proper spacing of ALL-CAPS letters has not been set up.}}
\def\smallcapsspacing{\@tufte@warning{Proper spacing of small-caps letters has not been set up.}}

% If we're using pdfLaTeX v1.40+, use the letterspace package. 
% If we're using pdfLaTex < v1.40, use the soul package.
% If we're using XeLaTeX, use XeLaTeX letterspacing options.
% Otherwise fall back on the soul package.

  {\@tufte@debug@info@noline{ifpdf = true}}
  {\@tufte@debug@info@noline{ifpdf = false}}

  {\@tufte@debug@info@noline{ifxetex = true}}
  {\@tufte@debug@info@noline{ifxetex = false}}

% Check pdfLaTeX version
\ifx\normalpdftexversion\@undefined \else
  \let\pdftexversion \normalpdftexversion
  \let\pdfoutput     \normalpdfoutput
\ifx\pdftexversion\@undefined \else
  \ifx\pdftexversion\relax \else
    \ifnum\pdftexversion < 140



  \@tufte@debug@info@noline{Modern version of pdfTeX detected. Using `letterspace' package}%
  % Set up letterspacing (using microtype package) -- requires pdfTeX v1.40+

    % load letterspace pkg
  % load soul pkg
      \@tufte@warning@noline{Couldn't locate `soul' package}%
    }% soul not installed... giving up.

      %% pdfLaTeX version is too old or not using pdfLaTeX
        %% TODO use xetex letterspacing
        %\@tufte@debug@info@noline{XeTeX detected. Reverting to `soul' package for letterspacing}%
        %% use `soul' package for letterspacing
        %\@tufte@debug@info@noline{Old version of pdfTeX detected. Reverting to `soul' package for letterspacing}%
        %\@tufte@debug@info@noline{Modern version of pdfTeX detected. Using `letterspace' package}
        %% Set up letterspacing (using microtype package) -- requires pdfTeX v1.40+
      %}{% microtype failed, check for soul
        %\@tufte@debug@info@noline{Modern version of pdfTeX detected, but `letterspace' package not installed.  Reverting to  `soul' package for letterspacing}
    %\@tufte@debug@info@noline{Plain LaTeX detected. Using `soul' package for letterspacing}
%% we're not to load letterspacing, so do nothing

% An environment for paragraph-style section


% Redefine the display environments (quote, quotation, etc.)

                \list{}{\itemsep      \z@
                        \itemindent   -1pc%
                        \rightmargin  \leftmargin
                        \advance\leftmargin 1pc}%
               {\list{}{\listparindent 1pc%
                        \itemindent    \listparindent
                        \rightmargin   \leftmargin
                        \parsep        \z@ \@plus\p@}%

% Italicize description run-in headings (instead of the default bold)

\renewcommand*\descriptionlabel[1]{\hspace\labelsep\normalfont\em #1}

% Used for doublespacing, and other linespacing


% Color
\RequirePackage[usenames,dvipsnames,svgnames]{xcolor}% load before bidi

% Load the bidi package if instructed to do so.  This package must be loaded
% prior to our redefining the \footnote and \cite commands.


% A function that removes leading and trailling spaces from the supplied macro.
% Based on code written by Michael Downes (See ``Around the Bend'', #15.)
% Executing \@tufte@trim@spaces\xyzzy will result in the contents of \xyzzy
% being trimmed of leading and trailing white space.

  % Use grouping to emulate a multi-token afterassignment queue
  % Put `\toks 0 {' into the afterassignment queue
  % Apply \trimb to the replacement text of #1, adding a leading
  % \noexpand to prevent brace stripping and to serve another purpose
  % later.
  \expandafter\@tufte@trim@b\expandafter\noexpand#1Q Q}%
  % Transfer the trimmed text back into #1.

% \trimb removes a trailing space if present, then calls \@tufte@trim@c to
% clean up any leftover bizarre Qs, and trim a leading space. In
% order for \trimc to work properly we need to put back a Q first.
\def\@tufte@trim@b#1 Q{\@tufte@trim@c#1Q}

% Execute \vfuzz assignment to remove leading space; the \noexpand
% will now prevent unwanted expansion of a macro or other expandable
% token at the beginning of the trimmed text. The \endgroup will feed
% in the \aftergroup tokens after the \vfuzz assignment is completed.
\def\@tufte@trim@c#1Q#2{\afterassignment\endgroup \vfuzz\the\vfuzz#1}

% Citations should go in the margin as sidenotes

  \RequirePackage{bibentry}% allows bibitems to be typeset outside thebibliography environment
  % Redefine the \BR@b@bibitem command to fix a bug with bibentry+chicago style
  \nobibliography*% pre-loads the bibliography keys
  \providecommand{\doi}[1]{\textsc{doi:} #1}% pre-defining this so it may be used before the \bibliography command it issued

% Normal \cite behavior
  % Snag the last bibentry in the list for later comparison
    % Loop through all the bibentries, separating them with semicolons and spaces
        {\ifthenelse{\equal{\value{@tufte@num@bibkeys}}{0}}{}{and\ }%
         \@tufte@trim@spaces\@temp@bibkeyx% trim spaces around bibkey
        {\@tufte@trim@spaces\@temp@bibkeyx% trim spaces around bibkey
         \bibentry{\@temp@bibkeyx};\ }%

% Macros for holding the list of cite keys until after the \sidenote

\gdef\@tufte@citations{}% list of cite keys
\newcommand\@tufte@add@citation[1]{\relax% adds a new bibkey to the list of cite keys
    \g@addto@macro\@tufte@citations{,}% separate by commas

\newcommand{\@tufte@print@citations}[1][0pt]{% puts the citations in a margin note
  % Snag the last bibentry in the list for later comparison
    \@tufte@margin@par% use parindent and parskip settings for marginal text
    % Loop through all the bibentries, separating them with semicolons and spaces
        {\ifthenelse{\equal{\value{@tufte@num@bibkeys}}{0}}{}{and\ }%
         \@tufte@trim@spaces\@temp@bibkeyx% trim spaces around bibkey
        {\@tufte@trim@spaces\@temp@bibkeyx% trim spaces around bibkey
         \bibentry{\@temp@bibkeyx};\ }%

% \cite behavior when executed within a sidenote

\newcommand{\@tufte@sidenote@citations}{}% contains list of \cites in sidenote

% Set the default \cite style.  This is set and reset by the \sidenote command.


% Transform existing \footnotes into \sidenotes
% Sidenote: ``Where God meant footnotes to go.'' ---Tufte

\RequirePackage{optparams}% for our new sidenote commands -- provides multiple optional arguments for commands


% Override footmisc's definition to set the sidenote marks (numbers) inside the
% sidenote's text block.

% Set the in-text footnote mark in the same typeface as the body text itself.




    \def\baselinestretch {\setspace@singlespace}%
    \@tufte@margin@par% use parindent and parskip settings for marginal text
       \csname p@footnote\endcsname\@thefnmark%

% Ensure this is run after the bidi package has been loaded
      \def\baselinestretch {\setspace@singlespace}%
      \@tufte@margin@par% use parindent and parskip settings for marginal text
         \csname p@footnote\endcsname\@thefnmark%

% Define \sidenote command.  Can handle \cite.


% #1 = footnote num, #2 = vertical offset, #3 = footnote text
    \let\cite\@tufte@infootnote@cite%   use the in-sidenote \cite command
  \gdef\@tufte@citations{}%           clear out any old citations
    % no specific footnote number provided
    % specific footnote number provided
      \csname c@\@mpfn\endcsname #1\relax%
  \@tufte@print@citations%            print any citations
    \let\cite\@tufte@normal@cite%       go back to using normal in-text \cite command
  \unskip\ignorespaces%               remove extra white space
  \kern-\multiplefootnotemarker%      remove \kern left behind by sidenote
  \kern\multiplefootnotemarker\relax% add new \kern here to replace the one we yanked


% Sidenote without the footnote mark

    \let\cite\@tufte@infootnote@cite%   use the in-sidenote \cite command
  \gdef\@tufte@citations{}%           clear out any old citations
  \marginpar{\hbox{}\vspace*{#1}\@tufte@marginnote@font\@tufte@marginnote@justification\@tufte@margin@par\vspace*{-1\baselineskip}\noindent #2}%
  \@tufte@print@citations%            print any citations
    \let\cite\@tufte@normal@cite%       go back to using normal in-text \cite command

% The placeins package provides the \FloatBarrier command.  This forces
% LaTeX to place all of the floats before proceeding.  We'll use this to
% keep the float (figure and table) numbers in sequence.

% Margin float environment

  {\FloatBarrier% process all floats before this point so the figure/table numbers stay in order.

% Margin figure environment


% Margin table environment


% Auto-detects the proper text alignment based on the various class options


% Forces the outer edge of the caption to be set ragged.  
% Therefore, on verso pages it's ragged left, and on recto pages it's ragged right.



% A collection of macros to be used with the new Tufte-style float environments.
% \setfloatalignment forces the caption placement to be treated as top, bottom, etc.
% \forcerectofloat forces the float to be treated as if it were appearing on a recto page.
% \forceversofloat does the same, but for verso pages.

\newcommand{\@tufte@float@debug@info}{}% contains debug info generated as the float is processed
\newcommand{\@tufte@float@debug}[1]{% adds debug info to the queue for output

\newcommand{\floatalignment}{x}% holds the current float alignment (t, b, h, p)
\newcommand{\setfloatalignment}[1]{\global\def\floatalignment{#1}\@tufte@float@debug{Forcing position: [#1]}}% manually sets the float alignment
\newcommand{\forcerectofloat}{\gsetboolean{@tufte@float@recto}{true}\@tufte@float@debug{Forcing page: [recto]}}
\newcommand{\forceversofloat}{\gsetboolean{@tufte@float@recto}{false}\@tufte@float@debug{Forcing page: [verso]}}

% Boxes to temporarily store our float and caption

% Save original LaTeX float environment

% New length for tweaking float captions

% Store the caption and label contents

  \gsetlength{\@tufte@caption@vertical@offset}{-#2}% we want a positive offset to lower captions




% Define a float environment to place the captions in the margin space

  {% begin @tufte@float
    % Should this float be full-width or just text-width?
    % Check page side (recto/verso) and store detected value -- can be overriden in environment contents
      {\gsetboolean{@tufte@float@recto}{true}\@tufte@float@debug{Detected page: [recto/odd]}}%
      {\gsetboolean{@tufte@float@recto}{false}\@tufte@float@debug{Detected page: [verso/even]}}%
    % If the float placement specifier is 'b' and only 'b', then bottom-align the mini-pages, otherwise top-align them.
    \@tufte@float@debug{Allowed positions: [#1]}%
      {\renewcommand{\floatalignment}{b}\@tufte@float@debug{Presumed position: [bottom]}}%
      {\renewcommand{\floatalignment}{t}\@tufte@float@debug{Presumed position: [top]}}%
    % Capture the contents of the \caption and \label commands to use later
    % Handle subfigure package compatibility
      % don't move the label while inside a \subfigure or \subtable command
    }{}% subfigure package is not loaded
  }{% end @tufte@float
      \par\hbox{}\vspace{-\baselineskip}\ifthenelse{\prevdepth>0}{\vspace{-\prevdepth}}{}% align baselines of boxes
    % build the caption box
        \par\vspace{-\prevdepth}%% TODO: DOUBLE-CHECK FOR SAFETY
    % now typeset the stored boxes
    \@tufte@orig@endfloat% end original LaTeX float environment
    % output debug info
      \typeout{^^J^^J----------- Tufte-LaTeX float information ----------}%
        {\typeout{Warning: Float unlabeled!}}%
        {\typeout{Float label: [\@tufte@stored@label]}}%
      \typeout{Page number: [\thepage]}%
        {\typeout{Symmetric: [true]}}%
        {\typeout{Symmetric: [false]}}%
    % reset commands and temp boxes and captions
    \gsetlength{\@tufte@caption@vertical@offset}{0pt}% reset caption offset

    % asymmetric or page is odd, so caption is on the right
    \@tufte@float@debug{Caption position: [right]}%
  }{% symmetric pages and page is even, so caption is on the left
    \@tufte@float@debug{Caption position: [left]}%

    {% place caption above figure
        {\hfill\smash{\raisebox{#1}{\usebox{#3}}}\par\usebox{#2}\@tufte@float@debug{Caption position: [above right]}}% caption on the right
        {\smash{\raisebox{#1}{\usebox{#3}}}\hfill\par\usebox{#2}\@tufte@float@debug{Caption position: [above left]}}% caption on the left
    }{% place caption below figure
        {\usebox{#2}\par\hfill\smash{\raisebox{#1}{\usebox{#3}}}\@tufte@float@debug{Caption position: [below right]}}% caption on the right
        {\usebox{#2}\par\smash{\raisebox{#1}{\usebox{#3}}}\hfill\@tufte@float@debug{Caption position: [below left]}}% caption on the left

% Redefine the figure environment to place the captions in the margin space


% Redefine the table environment to place the captions in the margin space


% Full-width figure


% Full-width table


% Full-page-width area


% Format the captions in a style similar to the sidenotes

  \addcontentsline{\csname ext@#1\endcsname}{#1}%
    {\protect\numberline{\csname the#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #2}}%
    \noindent\csname fnum@#1\endcsname: \ignorespaces#3\par%
    %\@makecaption{\csname fnum@#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #3}\par

% If we're NOT using XeLaTeX and the `nofonts' class option was NOT provided,
% we should load the Palatino, Helvetica, and Bera Mono fonts (if they are
% installed.)


% Turns newlines into spaces.  Based on code from the `titlesec' package.



  \let\@tufte@orig@cr\\% save the original meaning of \\
  \def\\{\@tufte@newlinetospace}% turn \\ and \\* into \space
  \let\newline\\% turn \newline into \space
  \let\\\@tufte@orig@cr% revert to original meaning of \\

% Sets up the running heads and folios.


% Set the default page style to 'fancy'

% Set the header/footer width to be the body text block plus the margin
% note area.

% The running heads/feet don't have rules

% The 'fancy' page style is the default style for all pages.
\fancyhf{} % clear header and footer fields

% The `plain' page style is used on chapter opening pages.
% In Tufte's /Beautiful Evidence/ he never puts page numbers at the
% bottom of pages -- the folios are unexpressed.
  \fancyhf{} % clear header and footer fields
  % Uncomment the following five lines of code if you want the opening page
  % of the chapter to express the folio in the lower outside corner.
  %  {\fancyfoot[LE,RO]{\thepage}}
  %  {\fancyfoot[RE,RO]{\thepage}}

% The `empty' page style suppresses all headers and footers.
% It's used on title pages and `intentionally blank' pages.
  \fancyhf{} % clear header and footer fields

% Set raggedright and paragraph indentation for document


% Prints the list of class options and their states.

    {\typeout{\space\space#1: true}}
    {\typeout{\space\space#1: false}}

  \typeout{\space\space#1: #2}

  \typeout{-------------------- Tufte-LaTeX settings ----------}
  \typeout{Class: \@tufte@pkgname}
  \typeout{Class options:}
  \typeoutbool{load fonts}{@tufte@loadfonts}
  \typeoutbool{sans-serif sidenotes}{@tufte@sfsidenotes}
  \typeoutbool{symmetric margins}{@tufte@symmetric}
  \typeout{Internal variables:}

% Amount of space to skip before \newthought or after title block

\tufteskipamount=1.0\baselineskip plus 0.5ex minus 0.2ex



% Produces a full title page


% Title block

  \global\@topnum\z@% prevent floats from being placed at the top of the page
  \thispagestyle{plain}% suppress the running head
  \tuftebreak% add some space before the text begins
  \@afterindentfalse\@afterheading% suppress indentation of the next paragraph

% Title page (if the `titlepage' option was passed to the tufte-handout
% class.)


% When \cleardoublepage is called, produce a blank (empty) page -- i.e.,
% without headers and footers
  %  This page intentionally contains only this sentence.

% Make Tuftian-style section headings and TOC formatting

  [display]% shape
  {\relax\ifthenelse{\NOT\boolean{@tufte@symmetric}}{\begin{fullwidth}}{}}% format applied to label+text
  {\itshape\huge\thechapter}% label
  {0pt}% horizontal separation between label and title body
  {\huge\rmfamily\itshape}% before the title body
  [\ifthenelse{\NOT\boolean{@tufte@symmetric}}{\end{fullwidth}}{}]% after the title body

  [hang]% shape
  {\normalfont\Large\itshape}% format applied to label+text
  {\thesection}% label
  {1em}% horizontal separation between label and title body
  {}% before the title body
  []% after the title body

  [hang]% shape
  {\normalfont\large\itshape}% format applied to label+text
  {\thesubsection}% label
  {1em}% horizontal separation between label and title body
  {}% before the title body
  []% after the title body

  [runin]% shape
  {\normalfont\itshape}% format applied to label+text
  {\theparagraph}% label
  {1em}% horizontal separation between label and title body
  {}% before the title body
  []% after the title body

\titlespacing*{\section}{0pt}{3.5ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{2.3ex plus .2ex}
\titlespacing*{\subsection}{0pt}{3.25ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{1.5ex plus.2ex}

% Subsubsection and following section headings shouldn't be used.
% See Bringhurst's _The Elements of Typography_, section 4.2.2.
  \@tufte@error{\string\subsubsection is undefined by this class.
    See Robert Bringhurst's _The Elements of 
    Typographic Style_, section 4.2.2.
    \string\subsubsection was used}
    {From Bringhurst's _The Elements of Typographic Style_, section 4.2.2: Use as 
    many levels of headings as you need, no more and no fewer.  Also see the many 
    related threads on Ask E.T. at http://www.edwardtufte.com/.}

  \@tufte@error{\string\subparagraph is undefined by this class.%
    See Robert Bringhurst's _The Elements of 
    Typographic Style_, section 4.2.2.
    \string\subparagraph was used}
    {From Bringhurst's _The Elements of Typographic Style_, section 4.2.2: Use as 
    many levels of headings as you need, no more and no fewer.  Also see the many 
    related threads on Ask E.T. at http://www.edwardtufte.com/.}

% Formatting for main TOC (printed in front matter)
% {section} [left] {above} {before w/label} {before w/o label} {filler + page} [after]
  \titlecontents{part}% FIXME
    [0em] % distance from left margin
    {\vspace{1.5\baselineskip}\begin{fullwidth}\LARGE\rmfamily\itshape} % above (global formatting of entry)
    {\contentslabel{2em}} % before w/label (label = ``II'')
    {} % before w/o label
    {\rmfamily\upshape\qquad\thecontentspage} % filler + page (leaders and page num)
    [\end{fullwidth}] % after
    [0em] % distance from left margin
    {\vspace{1.5\baselineskip}\begin{fullwidth}\LARGE\rmfamily\itshape} % above (global formatting of entry)
    {\hspace*{0em}\contentslabel{2em}} % before w/label (label = ``2'')
    {\hspace*{0em}} % before w/o label
    {\rmfamily\upshape\qquad\thecontentspage} % filler + page (leaders and page num)
    [\end{fullwidth}] % after
  \titlecontents{section}% FIXME
    [0em] % distance from left margin
    {\vspace{0\baselineskip}\begin{fullwidth}\Large\rmfamily\itshape} % above (global formatting of entry)
    {\hspace*{2em}\contentslabel{2em}} % before w/label (label = ``2.6'')
    {\hspace*{2em}} % before w/o label
    {\rmfamily\upshape\qquad\thecontentspage} % filler + page (leaders and page num)
    [\end{fullwidth}] % after
  \titlecontents{subsection}% FIXME
    [0em] % distance from left margin
    {\vspace{0\baselineskip}\begin{fullwidth}\large\rmfamily\itshape} % above (global formatting of entry)
    {\hspace*{4em}\contentslabel{4em}} % before w/label (label = ``2.6.1'')
    {\hspace*{4em}} % before w/o label
    {\rmfamily\upshape\qquad\thecontentspage} % filler + page (leaders and page num)
    [\end{fullwidth}] % after
  \titlecontents{paragraph}% FIXME
    [0em] % distance from left margin
    {\vspace{0\baselineskip}\begin{fullwidth}\normalsize\rmfamily\itshape} % above (global formatting of entry)
    {\hspace*{6em}\contentslabel{2em}} % before w/label (label = ``'')
    {\hspace*{6em}} % before w/o label
    {\rmfamily\upshape\qquad\thecontentspage} % filler + page (leaders and page num)
    [\end{fullwidth}] % after

% Format lists of figures/tables

%  \begin{fullwidth}%
%  \end{fullwidth}%

%  \begin{fullwidth}%
%  \end{fullwidth}%

  % #1 is the figure/table number and its caption text
  % #2 is the page number on which the figure/table appears
  \leftskip 0.0em
  \rightskip 0em
  \parfillskip 0em plus 1fil
  \parindent 0.0em
  \@tempdima 2.0em
  \null\nobreak\hskip -\leftskip


% A handy command to disable hyphenation for short bits of text.
% Borrowed from Peter Wilson's `hyphenat' package.

    \newlanguage\langwohyphens% define a language without hyphenation rules
    \providecommand{\nohyphens}[1]{{\language\langwohyphens #1}}% used for short bits of text
    \providecommand{\nohyphenation}{\language\langwohyphens}% can be used inside environments for longer text

% Redefine \bibsection to not mark the running heads.
% (Code modified from natbib.sty.)


% An index environment to mimic Tufte's indexes

\renewcommand\@idxitem{\par\hangindent 2em}
\renewcommand\subitem{\par\hangindent 3em\hspace*{1em}}
\renewcommand\subsubitem{\par\hangindent 4em\hspace*{2em}}
\renewcommand\indexspace{\par\addvspace{1.0\baselineskip plus 0.5ex minus 0.2ex}\relax}%
\newcommand{\lettergroup}[1]{}% swallow the letter heading in the index

% A couple commands to incresae the number of floats you can use at a time.

\def\morefloats{% provides a total of 52 floats
    \@tufte@debug@info@noline{Adding 34 more float slots.}
  }{% we've already added another 34 floats, so we'll add 26 more, but that's it!
      \@tufte@debug@info@noline{Adding 26 more float slots.}
      \@tufte@error{You may only call \string\morefloats\space twice. See the Tufte-LaTeX documentation for other workarounds}
        {There are already 78 float slots allocated. Try using \string\FloatBarrier\space or \string\clearpage\space to place some floats before creating more.}

% Detect if the subfigure package has been loaded


% Detect of the float package has been loaded

    % Save the redefined float environment (instead of the LaTeX float environment)

    % Define Tuftian float styles (with the caption in the margin)
          \@tufte@caption@font{\@fs@cfont #1:} #2\par%
      {\@fs@cfont #1} #2\par%
      \def\@fs@pre{\hrule height.8pt depth0pt width\textwidth \kern2pt}%
      \def\@fs@post{\kern2pt\hrule width\textwidth\relax}%
        \moveleft3.4pt\vbox{\advance\hsize by6.8pt
          \hrule \hbox to\hsize{\vrule\kern3pt
    % Nothing to do

    % Set the float style to the Tuftian version
      \@tufte@info@noline{Switching algorithm float style from \ALG@floatstyle\space to tufte\ALG@floatstyle}%
    % Nothing to do

% For compatibility with the subfig package, we'll set captions=false so that
% it doesn't load the caption package (which modifies our own caption
% formatting).


% If debugging is enabled, print the Tufte-LaTeX options and the list of
% files.


% If there is a `tufte-common-local.tex' file, load it up.

   \@tufte@info@noline{Loading tufte-common-local.tex}}

% End of file