Rail tractor D2 of the company Tegrad. It was used for catenary wire repair work.
Picture from Ptuj station 2.7.2015 by Ilkka Siissalo.
This set of catenary wire installation wagons was being hauled by the rail tractor shown in the picture above.
Picture from Ptuj station 2.7.2015 by Ilkka Siissalo.
The whole train - same as in the pictures above.
Picture from Ptuj station 2.7.2015 by Ilkka Siissalo.
Slovenian railways catenary wire installation wagon of the class 911.
Picture from Lesce Bled station 9.7.2007 by Ilkka Siissalo.
The crew of the same catenary wire installation wagon of the class 911 as in the picture
above is greeting the driver of the ÖBB Br 1216 Taurus 3 which had to wait for them before it could continue.
Picture from Lesce Bled station 9.7.2007 by Ilkka Siissalo.
The crew of the catenary wire installation vehicle working. Safety standards do not seem to be
quite as strict in Slovenia as in some other EU countries.
Picture from Lesce Bled station 9.7.2007 by Ilkka Siissalo.
The crew of the catenary wire installation vehicle working. Is this tight enough?
Picture from Lesce Bled station 9.7.2007 by Ilkka Siissalo.
A typical Slovenian InterCity or express train coach waiting for maintenance in Ptuj. Graffiti smudge is everywhere.
Picture from Ptuj station 2.7.2015 by Ilkka Siissalo.
A typical Slovenian InterCity coach - or, well, maybe not so typical, as this one is not totally covered by graffiti as they
usually are. Many of these coaches are bought second hand from ÖBB in Austria. Due to their new RailJet trains Austrian ÖBB does not need as many
traditional express train coaches any more as they used to.
Picture from Pragersko station 2.7.2015 by Ilkka Siissalo.
A rail tractor for moving coaches within the maintenance halls area.
Picture from Ptuj station 2.7.2015 by Ilkka Siissalo.
A VERY peculiar rail device, this rail inspection vehicle is based on a very old steam locomotive
tender wagon, which has been retrofitted with a gasoline engine to become a motor wagon for track inspection.
Picture from the Celje station 2.7.2015 by Ilkka Siissalo.
A closer look at the same wagon as above. The texts at the wheels read "k.k.St.B. TA 1893". This refers to
the Imperial Royal Austrian Railways and their class TA from 1893. The Imperial-Royal State Railways was the state railway organisation
in the Cisleithanian (Austrian) part of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy.
Picture from the Celje station 2.7.2015 by Ilkka Siissalo.
A Yugoslavian railways class 25 locomotive, their no.002 is an Austrian machine built in 1922 by Actien -
Gesselschaft der Lokomotiv-Fabrik vorm. G. Sigl in Wiener Neustadt. Later in its operational life it pulled cargo trains on
the Celje-Preloge, Celje-Velenje and Celje-Imeno-Kumrovec lines. It was taken out of use in 1978 and has been as a monument in Celje
since 1989.
Picture from the Celje station 2.7.2015 by Ilkka Siissalo.
A Yugoslavian railways class 125 steam engine, kept as a monument at the Pragersko station.
It's a Hungarian machine, originally MAV class 326 no.299. It was built in Budapest in 1893. Top speed was 45 km/h.
It was taken out of active use in 1970 and raised as a monument in Pragersko in 1978.
Picture from Pragersko station 2.7.2015 by Ilkka Siissalo.
The same Yugoslavian railways class 125 steam engine as above, but seen from the other side.
Picture from Pragersko station 2.7.2015 by Ilkka Siissalo.