Filename : ORGMANIA.ZIP OS : Typhoon Date : 24/11-1995 Descr. : OrganMania ;-) is a collection of my favourite organ-like waves. None of the waves in this archive are sampled. They are calculated by using a program i once wrote for the PC, which creates waves by adding various simple waveforms. The waves in OrganMania are the best organ-like waves i've calculated so far. I've added some pad sounds and some epiano sounds too (based on the organ waves) just to give you an idea of the possibilities. A big advantage by using these waves is that they use very little memory. Files in Archive: ORGMANIA.TXT You're reading it. BORGAN1 - BORGAN7.C01 Waves that sounds a bit like a bell. CHURCH1 - CHURCH5.C01 Waves that sounds a bit like a church organ. MTORGAN1- MTORGAN3.C01 Waves with a more metallic sound. ORGAN1 - ORGAN7.C01 Waves that sounds like misc. organs. ORGAN1.O01 - ORGAN22.O01 22 Voices using the above waves, with a simple organ envelope. Using only 1 audio ch. PAD1.O01 A Pad type voice using 3 audio ch. PAD2.O01 - PAD3.O01 A Pad type voice using 2 audio ch. EPIANO1.O01 Electric piano using 1 audio ch. EPIANO2.O01 - SETUP.X01 By loading this file you get it all. (at no extra cost) ;-) Have fun ! Bo Johansen E-MAIL: WWW :